
Well Known Member
hi guys does anyone here using continental io-240 or has some experience with this engine thank you
I have only heard of 1 RV flying with this engine. I can't say much about the engine installed in an RV, but have a fair amount of experience with the engine by itself. I would be happy to answer any questions related to the engine that I could.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."
I believe a guy in South America had a 240 in a -9A. I remember him posting questions about converting to a 320. Maybe he will chime in. Also try doing a search on old posts.
Alan Jackson
RV-9A in work
It flew fine in the DA20-C1 Katana. Auto altitude compensating FI system. Would likely work well in a -9, but it might not be quite enough Hp out West.
I'm sure the IO-240 is a great engine and would be a good match for the -9. My only question is why would you want to install one?

The reason for the question is that after installing a non-standard O-290 in my -9, an engine whith Van's recommends but does not support, I lost a lot of time fitting it. Had I just installed an O-320, I would have been flying a lot sooner.

You could add FI to an O-235, along with high compression pistons and have basically the same engine as the IO-240 for around the same money, if not less.

To install a Contential engine in your RV, you would have to custom fabricate an engine mount, possibly make an exhaust stack, and figure out how to fit all the accessories. Unless you have done all this work before, it could easily add another year to your project.

I'm not saying don't do it, in fact, I think it would be very cool if you did. I'm just trying to make sure you understand what you are getting into before you start laying out cash.
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the reason why im asking is because the weight seems to be pretty low ,but anyway i was also wanted more info about o-235 lycoming but all the o-235 are low compression engines the max i can get is 116 hp from o-235 n2c which i have on hand just need top overhaul ,i dont know if i can put cylinders from high compression engine like k2 or similar which i can by from eci on it ,but the question here is do i get any more hp ,do i hurt the engine or tbo i dont know ,i dont want use any o-320 because they weight a lot and eat gas like crazy thanks
320 can be run pretty cheap

By judicious use of the black and red knobs, the O-320 can be run pretty cheap. I have an ECI 0-320 in my -9A and can run slow ~100kts http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=20155&highlight=3.3+GPH at a miserly 3.3 GPH or can cruise up high at 150 kts on 6GPH. There are plenty of reasons to go with another engine, (cost,weight) but economy can be had by pulling the levers.

Good luck with your project! The -9 is a great flying plane at high or low power.

Hi guys,

I am the ex-owner of the RV9A with continental IO240. i flew with thsi engine about one year and near 120 hours. After that i sold the RV9A to start RV7 project wich btw it ready for first flight.

Its a great engine, runs strong, good fuel saver, after adjusts in prop i got about 138kias @ 10000ft this burning about 5 gph

but definitively, a looooot of work to do. including custom engine mount,
custom engine cowling (standard cowl from vans will not fit in any way),
different battery support and others.

I just put this engine in my RV9A just because i got a reaaaaaally good deal on it. otherwise, i recomend to go on other hand and use standard lycoming engines... (too many work to do... ) ..if i would start a new RV9, i seriously consider putting a Lycoming O360 on it. i can go really fast and slow down if i want to save gas.
the reason why im asking is because the weight seems to be pretty low ,but anyway i was also wanted more info about o-235 lycoming but all the o-235 are low compression engines the max i can get is 116 hp from o-235 n2c which i have on hand just need top overhaul ,i dont know if i can put cylinders from high compression engine like k2 or similar which i can by from eci on it ,but the question here is do i get any more hp ,do i hurt the engine or tbo i dont know ,i dont want use any o-320 because they weight a lot and eat gas like crazy thanks
If you are looking to maximize your useful load, a smaller engine is the way to go.

Do some searches on this forum, the topic has been discussed a number of times, including adding high compression pistons, etc.

You will find a lot of hits on throttling back the O-320 and claims that IO-360 is more fuel efficient than the O-360's/O-320's.

That aside, build light, don't add a lot of interior frills, and the -9 will perform very well on the O-235. There is a local -9A with the 108 hp O-235 and the owner likes to fly it better than the O-320 powered -6A he built and gave to his father.

thank you guys my question now is what happen if i put high compression cylinders from like h,g,h models on my n2c do i get any hp? thank you