John Courte

Well Known Member
This is a thought experiment that woke me up in the middle of the night. A lot of my current career opportunities are moving to Canada-- Vancouver, BC specifically.

Is there a pathway for moving a US-registered RV to Canada and registering it there?

I searched the archives, but came up with lint.

Not really a big deal. You would have to import it if you want Canadian Registration. That process is done through MDRA and involves an inspection. Of course there is a fee involved. You only need to do this if you intend on registering the aircraft in Canada. Looks like from your post you are not completed yet. If anything is closed up they will request it drilled ond opened for inspection. You would enjoy our area, we have lots of RV's tearing up the skies around here. 7 at our small airport in Chilliwack alone.
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It can be a bit of a convoluted process to get the import done (at least I found it that way), but is certainly doable. Suggest you contact:

Mr. Robert (Bob) Cutting
4635 Britannia Dr.
Richmond, BC
V7E 6B1
[email protected]

This is the Pacific regional respresentative of MD-RA (Ministry Designate - Recreational Aircraft). They have an import checklist they can send you.
The import checklist is also available on the MD-RA website. Click on the "Inspection Documents" link.

The import process is a bit convoluted, but it's certainly doable. Note that you do need 100 hours air time on the airframe before you can import, and the plane will need to be brought up to Canadian standard (Gascolator, for example) before it will pass an inspection.