
Well Known Member
OK, this is a follow up comment from another prop thread. I know Craig is busy and not good at e mails. I had a prop on order, with an order number due last August, but I am in no rush, not ready for it yet. An email a couple months ago went unanswered. Someone on the other thread suggested a call, which I did about two weeks ago. I left my contact info and order number, still no response. So I am well past a year since I ordered, and coming up on 10 months past my due date. Anyone else having similar problems, or any other suggestions? I know he is a stand up guy and I am not really worried (especially since he didn't want any deposit from me), but I don't want to lose out on his great product. Thanks in advance. Glenn

I placed an order for a 3 blade prop with Craig January, 2007. I sent an email early March, 2008 asking for a completion guesstimate. He quickly fired back a nice reply saying he hired a couple of new hands and was re-tooling to increase his production. He has a gentleman specifically assigned to do the painting and wanted to know if I wanted to speak to him. He expects to increase his production some three fold.

I said no, was mainly just checking to see if he was still alive and well and wish him the best. Fortunately for me, I'm flying and have an Aymar-Demuth prop I'm very happy with. I'm looking forward to trying Craig's prop; but would suggest to anyone wanting one to go ahead and place an order now.

I believe he IS extremely busy. I asked him if he needed more money and he said "No, I need time..."


Deal Fair
George West, TX (8T6)
RV-4 flying
I just got mine last week...I ordered it in August of '07 and made my order "official" by giving him a 50% deposit in October '07. I sent Craig lots of e-mails but seldom got a response...he's just too busy to reply. Calling him is a much better way to get in contact with him.

I must admit that I bugged him quite a bit about my prop. In October he told me it'd be ready in late Feb, so I called in late Feb to make sure it was on track. He said it'd be a couple weeks longer - early March. So I called in early March. This happened a few times until I finally got the prop last week. It is a work of art and worth every penny. Just hope he gets the help he needs to produce faster.

i ordered a bladed prop 3 weeks ago and it will be here next week. the 3 bladed props take forever. this is my 3rd prop from him they look great and perform great. in my mind best prop ever made.

dan carley
i ordered a bladed prop 3 weeks ago and it will be here next week. the 3 bladed props take forever. this is my 3rd prop from him they look great and perform great. in my mind best prop ever made.

dan carley

A one month turn????????? Did you send him flowers or something??? ;) I did order a 3 blade so maybe that explains part of it, thanks....
Yep... two blades come a lot quicker than three, and I guess a two time repeat client would see something pretty quick. :)
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Catto Props

Craig came to our Canard fly-in a couple miles from his house at Columbia last month and gave a great talk on prop theory and design. He does have new and very experienced help for finishing and is in the process of improvements that will make production improve also. He'll comment on that when the time is right.
Be patient, he is a stand up guy, as mentioned before, and will be improving both his great props and his ouput. Don't forget what an impact you'all make with the volume of RV demand! And we still need a pusher prop or two now and again....!