Scott Chastain

Active Member
"Behold, I send my messenger,
And he will prepare the way before me.
And the Lord whom you seek
Will suddenly come to His temple,
Even the messenger of the covenant
In whom you delight.
Behold, he is coming,"
Says the Lord of hosts.

Malachi 3:1
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There isn't anything better than the satisfaction of building your own airplane! Very cool video!
Thanks Scott! I can't wait to see it flying.
Outstanding, Scott!

Absolutely outstanding. I watched it twice and will forward it to any RV building wanting to know 'what's involved in a build'.

Just great work!


The airplane, the video, the project....all of it is fabulous Scott - good luck on the first flight!


Nice Video. You're not going to believe the feeling after your first flight!!!!!!!!:D
Fantastic job, Scott! Can't wait to see the airplane sometime, somewhere.

Something about the look on Cleco's face made me laugh every time he appeared.

Thanks for the building inspiration! :D
Great effort and result

Great video Scott! I am not a builder, but if the attention to detail is anything like your video, thats one **** of a plane! Using the timing of the music on a video project makes all the difference in the world and it is not easy. Hope everything goes well in your final stages. It looks like Cleco has been keeping you company in that garage for some time now. Make sure you show him what planet Earth looks like from altitude. Geat job! :)
Great job Scott! Your movie is a wonderful inspiration and motivator. What software do you use to edit your movie? Keep us posted on your first flight!

Great video

Nice job Scott.
As one of the "Old timers", your first flight is one of two that we are all looking forward to this year!
wow! what memories that brings back.

nice to have another 98 start get to the finish line!

beautiful all around
My Cleco was Impressed!

My dog is also named Cleco and she enjoyed it. Sometime I just call her "Wing Nut". She told me later she was jealous because she has to wait to go flying since my plane will be awhile before its finished. She also said she looks forward to the "RV Owners' Dogs Named Cleco" gathering at Sun-N-Fun next year. I told her "They don't allow dogs you Wing Nut"!