
I'm New Here
I've spent this summer researching the "Do I really want to do this?" question and every data point gathered motivates me more than the previous one. I even ran across a local builder yesterday in the final construction process with his RV-10, so I got to ask a bunch of questions and even help with a bit of grunt work for a couple of hours. My next question is "Where do I build this thing?" I have very small workshop available and half a garage at home, but I wonder if that is enough to at least get the project started. I'd like to hear some construction site stories (with dimensions, if possible)... the smaller the better!
Building process

Think of it this way: you will spend several years building modest sized components. Then, you begin to assemble them. For tasks like fitting wings and tail to fuselage, you can roll the fuselage out on the driveway, fit the parts,take them off and put them in storage until you go to the airport.if itbis truly your goal,you will find a way.
My basement workshop space is about 11x18. In that space I have a 2x5 bump-out from the other room for an entertainment center, and a washer and dryer, sump pit, and utility shower. The space isn't quite as open as it sounds because of all of that and some stationary tools but so far it's been more than enough. My biggest limiting factor is getting it up out of the basement, or I think I'd be able to build the wings in there too.

The biggest surprise early on for me was building the horizontal stabilizer which was 8 1/2' long. If you can fit that, you can do the entire tail easy. I'm even doing the ailerons and flaps first so that I can delay going out to the garage for my wings as long as possible.

Stored on their stands, my tail takes up about 9' long, 2' wide, and a bit over 5' tall with the tips on. I have some wide legs on my HS's stand, I could probably get it down to a foot wide if I tried.