
Well Known Member
I've been flying my 8 for 200 hours now and I've really enjoyed my Whirlwind 200RV propeller.

While I've used the prop regularly to slow down in the pattern I've never really had reason to be aggressive with it.

Well yesterday, returning from a site visit in Cleveland, I caught a bit of a tailwind on my final leg from the Chicago lakefront to 57C (East Troy).

So there I was, screaming along at 2500' and 220 knots over the ground coming into the aerodrome!

As I was approaching the downwind turn to RWY 8, I was still at 160 knots indicated and needed to slow down, fast! I was having too much fun watching the ground rush by. :)

So with the prop control full forward I pulled the throttle back almost to idle. Holy Toledo! I wasn't really prepared for that! I almost hit my head on the glare shield! :D Well, not quite that really, but boy o boy does that slow you down fast! 110 knots in the turn to down wind and easy peasy after that.

So for those of you on the fence regarding a constant speed prop and can "swing it", (pun intended), DO IT!

Aside from the obvious climb/cruise advantage, the braking characteristic is an awesome benefit!

Constant speed props.........Worth every nickel! :D:D:D
Aside from the obvious climb/cruise advantage, the braking characteristic is an awesome benefit!

Constant speed props.........Worth every nickel! :D:D:D

Until you do that in formation with your buddies!

This debate will never end..... I have both and there are advantages and disadvantages to each.

In your example, no disrespect, poor flight management isn't necessarily a reason to choose something that let's you get away with it. Please take no offense.

I have never been in a situation where my CS prop saved the day due to it's ability to slow me down. I have sc rewed my buddies more than once though.
Why wouldn't I take offense to your assumption I needed the prop to "save the day" JonJay? I could have easily widened my approach to the pattern to slow down, there was no one else around so I wan't creating any kind of hazard or acting unsafely. Also, I would no more think about hitting the brakes in formation than I would suddenly speed up or do some other dangerous thing. I was only commenting on the FUN! Geez, why do so many folks on here take everything as an opportunity to criticize? Takes the fun out of this site, and fun is the primary reason I fly and visit here. Fortunately my skin is thick and I'll continue to participate regardless.
Geez, why do so many folks on here take everything as an opportunity to criticize? Takes the fun out of this site, and fun is the primary reason I fly and visit here. Fortunately my skin is thick and I'll continue to participate regardless.

Doesn't matter what you share - someone will take exception to it. I agree that it takes some of the fun out of this site.
Everybody loves different aspects of our hobby, and being all Type-A personalities on here there will always be differences of opinion. Personally I think that formation flying like JonJay does is grossly negligent of basic safety - but I'm not out there publicly criticizing him for it, I simply choose not to do it (no disrespect, of course - just as he had none for Jesse, right?).

And you're right - constant speed props ROCK.
Air brakes are nice

I love the air brakes too. Its a great option to have in our fast clean planes.

I've been flying my 8 for 200 hours now and I've really enjoyed my Whirlwind 200RV propeller.

While I've used the prop regularly to slow down in the pattern I've never really had reason to be aggressive with it.

Well yesterday, returning from a site visit in Cleveland, I caught a bit of a tailwind on my final leg from the Chicago lakefront to 57C (East Troy).

So there I was, screaming along at 2500' and 220 knots over the ground coming into the aerodrome!

As I was approaching the downwind turn to RWY 8, I was still at 160 knots indicated and needed to slow down, fast! I was having too much fun watching the ground rush by. :)

So with the prop control full forward I pulled the throttle back almost to idle. Holy Toledo! I wasn't really prepared for that! I almost hit my head on the glare shield! :D Well, not quite that really, but boy o boy does that slow you down fast! 110 knots in the turn to down wind and easy peasy after that.

So for those of you on the fence regarding a constant speed prop and can "swing it", (pun intended), DO IT!

Aside from the obvious climb/cruise advantage, the braking characteristic is an awesome benefit!

Constant speed props.........Worth every nickel! :D:D:D

only thing better than a constant speed prop is a constant speed prop on a Tailwheel RV !
only thing better than a constant speed prop is a constant speed prop on a Tailwheel RV !

Woooooo Hooooooo , That's gonna be ME !!!

I am looking forward to that big blade Hartzell composite slowing' me down in phase I.

Then, when I post, everybody can pick on me for a change . . . Looking' forward to it.

One day, when I am 2 for the approach (out of 9) and they me to keep the speed up, I can barrel down that glideslope, breakout a 250 ft, put on the brakes and land. HA, take that jets, do that.

Too much??
Woooooo Hooooooo , That's gonna be ME !!!

I am looking forward to that big blade Hartzell composite slowing' me down in phase I.

Then, when I post, everybody can pick on me for a change . . . Looking' forward to it.

One day, when I am 2 for the approach (out of 9) and they me to keep the speed up, I can barrel down that glideslope, breakout a 250 ft, put on the brakes and land. HA, take that jets, do that.

Too much??

As long as you do it on purpose, and not as a result of poor flight management... ;)
Woooooo Hooooooo , That's gonna be ME !!!

I am looking forward to that big blade Hartzell composite slowing' me down in phase I.

Then, when I post, everybody can pick on me for a change . . . Looking' forward to it.

One day, when I am 2 for the approach (out of 9) and they me to keep the speed up, I can barrel down that glideslope, breakout a 250 ft, put on the brakes and land. HA, take that jets, do that.

Too much??

No. I've done an ILS maintaining 135kts indicated until breaking out at 350' then slowing and landing making the 3000' turn off. Idle power and a forward slip will do it.

And I had practiced doing just this, VFR, several times before. It allows you to mix well with 121 traffic.
Sorry, sorry. I truly am, and your right. I will try to be more supportive, positive, and less critical. It wasn't my intent.
Doesn't matter what you share - someone will take exception to it. I agree that it takes some of the fun out of this site.

Amen to that.

And yes, CS props do rock. I wish I could have afforded to do the conversion when I had to replace my old cracked wood prop, but like Mick Jagger sang, you can't always get what you want but sometimes you get what you need.
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