
Well Known Member
Starting on converting my RV4 to a C/S prop.
Currently have a Paul Irbeck wood prop, very nice prop going to hang it in my office!

New prop is a Whirl Wind Aviation RV200 swept tip.
Engine is a O-360-C2E.

Read through these links:
Brantel's excellent thread on his CS conv.
Lycoming SI1435
Tool for setting rear crank plug

First step was to make sure the engine could be converted.
Started looking at the TCDS to see this tracked back to a A1A which is a C/S engine. Next I tracked down the IPC and validated the C2E had the correct crank, bearing and acc. case.

Looked doable so off we go.
Tracked down a prop gov. adaptor, hard line and fittings needed.

Order the new plug + a spare for the back of the crank.
Plus the various nuts, bolts and gaskets.

Christmas in Jun:

Just a peak:

Full set of photo on google plus:

More to come
Last edited:
A little more progress and a question

The front plugs went pretty easy, new back plug set.
The plug for the oil line was fighting with me, need to use a torch and an impact wrench. That did the trick so that is ready for the oil line install.

Next problem is the governor adapter I picked up used had studs already in it for mounting the governor. But after reading the book on the jinistrol gov. it states the studs need to extend 1.25". Well the ones already in there only extend 1".
Well after fighting with that and using a bunch of heat and the snap-on stud extractor I removed the existing studs.

:confused: Now the question is, can I reset those studs with some lock-tight and leave them out a 1.25" or do I need to just get longer studs?
Rear plug pulled

I ended up using a punch to make a hole in one far side of the plug.
Enough that I could hook a slide hammer into the hole and give it a few pulls.
Popped out pretty easy, used a telescope magnet to rotate it and slide it passed the oil tube.
Few more steps down the road.

Bracket needs a few changes to mount on the jihostroj governor. The middle hole was good, just elongate the outer two holes a bit and it fit well.

The required blood sacrifice.

Mocking up how the cable mounts to the governor.

Test fitting, not the final gasket for the governor.

Committed now, prop cable hole drilled in the firewall.

Hole in Firewall, need a bigger unibit to finish up.

Cable mockup.
Thanks Chris,

Sounds simple, I'm sure there is a little pain involved.

Do you set the rear plug the same way as the front plug?

I ended up using a punch to make a hole in one far side of the plug.
Enough that I could hook a slide hammer into the hole and give it a few pulls.
Popped out pretty easy, used a telescope magnet to rotate it and slide it passed the oil tube.

More progress

Had to pull the governor back off to adjust the clocking of the arm.
Not sure how that will work out. I could only spin it so far before the low RPM stop hit the screw holding the bracket on.
After I put it all back together I had the thought that I should have just removed the low RPM stop. Never going to hit it and the max cable throw will stop in on the low side.

We did get the prop hung and did the first start:

Took about 30 sec. for the prop to cycle after I pulled the lever the first time.
Next couple of times was better.
No huge oil leaks, but I need to spray down the engine and run it again to double check.

Need to get the spinner mounted, prop balanced and re-weigh the airplane.
And some paper work.
Hope to have it wrapped out and do the test flight towards the end of next week.

More photos added to the album:
Google Plus Prop swap album
Almost done

Job is mostly done. But screwed up and did not get started on the paper work with the FAA soon enough. So I am waiting on paper work to fly.
We got the prop balanced, started off @ .21 IPS finished @ .02
Weight ended up at 992, a bit higher then I was hoping.
Soon as I get things sorted out with the FAA will see how she flys!
New CG and W/B spread sheet

Finished updating my W/B spread sheet.
Looks like the C/G moved forward just over 1/2 inch.
So not much movement there. There where a few changes made since the last time we weighed it that were calculated by hand. Not sure how accurate that was.

Here are the links to my spread sheets if anyone is interested.
Weight Balance spreadsheet
If this links shows in Google Sheets it is best to download it as an excel spreadsheet better formatted that way.
Have paper work / First flights done

The FAA guys finished up the paper work and I got started on the test flights.
Have 3 hours tach time on it so far. Take off acceleration is outstanding and speed so far is great @ 10500 2500rpm 175knots TAS.
Stalls @ 58 mph with power off and flaps down.
At higher power settings a bit more vibration at 2400 - 2500 RPM that when running with lower MAP. Not sure if that is any issue or not.

No oil leaks and it cycles just fine.

Happy so far.