
I'm New Here
I currently own a Mooney 201 but would like to move away from certified to experimental. My mission has definitely changed from mostly cross country to more local with occasional cross country flights.

The 9A has my attention and I would really like to see one in person if anyone is in the area and willing to spend a little time with me.

I am willing to fly to you or if you're out boring holes in the sky and want to stop by VNC, I'll buy you lunch at Suncoast Cafe. :)

Thanks for your time and consideration.

While I was taking transition training for my RV-8, in addition to the RV-6 in which I was training, I had the opportunity to fly a 9A. It had a 180 hp engine and was amazing to fly. You will not be disappointed! Good luck finding one to try on!
Could be!

I’m planning to fly my -9A down to VNC sometime around the 27th, weather permitting. If you don’t find one to check out before then, shoot me a PM and we can figure out logistics.

I currently own a Mooney 201 but would like to move away from certified to experimental. My mission has definitely changed from mostly cross country to more local with occasional cross country flights.

The 9A has my attention and I would really like to see one in person if anyone is in the area and willing to spend a little time with me.

I am willing to fly to you or if you're out boring holes in the sky and want to stop by VNC, I'll buy you lunch at Suncoast Cafe. :)

Thanks for your time and consideration.

I have a RV9A completed first flight in January 2022 and absolutely love the things, The RV9A is a fantastic GA aircraft combining great looks, performance and economy.

The Roncz airfoil wing works a treat and it is a delightful handling aircraft.

If you build one or buy one you will not be disappointed at all.
Amazing Plane

I didnt know how amazing my plane was until i flew it up to get painted. My son tagged along in a 172 rental. To match speed with him, he was full throttle at 10 g/hr. I was at 40% power at 4 gal per hour, and I still had 5 kts on him.
I typically cruise at 135 kts anywhere from 8.5K to 15.5K at 20 nmpg. During let down, I can push that to 165kts or 30 nmpg. But the real kicker is Los Angeles to Oregon on one tank of gas (25 gal) at 133 kts!