
Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the 1000 questions, but I’m having difficultly finding info on how to anticipate all the things outside of the core build I’ll need to consider at this point in my build. I’m nearing the completion of my -10 empennage, my QB wings were delivered in March, and my QB fuselage comes in August. Laser cut parts notwithstanding, what considerations outside of the structural build do I need to anticipate / build in now while things are relatively open?

For avionics, I’m pretty sure I’m going with an IFR Garmin G3X setup, but I don’t know what I don’t know and am not 100% sure what that setup entails. Spoken by a true VFR pilot who intends to use this -10 for IFR training ��.

Open questions:
  • For autopilot, can it come with the G3X or do I need (should have) a separate component.
  • Batteries and backup battery placement: what are some resources to learn about this? I’d like to anticipate placements.
  • ELT kind and placements
  • Antennas: do I need to consider these now, or wait until I get the G3X ordered?

What else do I need to consider at this point and what are some good resources to thumb through?

Thank you, I appreciate this community!
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Avoid the ACK E04 like the plague. Search the forums for why if you want to be horrified by this piece of junk.

I replaced mine with an Artex, very happy with it.

I too completed the first RV-10 before I used it to get my IFR ticket. While you are still early in your build it does not hurt to start going over options for your plane.

Some thoughts:
- I did a dual SkyVIew install, but the same approach can be used for your G3X plan. I suggest you do whatever Garmin recommends for integrated systems, such as ADS-B in/out and autopilot.
- For IFR training I suggest a TSO certified GPS navigator as well as a NAV/LOC/GS receiver so you can cover all the applicable approaches. I installed the GTN-650 on the first RV-10 to meet this objective, along with the Dynon radio as Comm #2. On the new build I will be using the GPS-175 as the GPS navigator and the Trig TX-56 NAV/Comm for the VOR/LOC/GS and as Comm #1. Comm #2 will again be the Dynon radio.
- Antennas - look at how other people did theirs and decide what you want to adopt. Many ways to do these, most work well. Review of your chosen avionic install manuals is a great place to start.
- You will get many inputs about batteries and such. Happy to discuss what I do if you like.

I have a -10 at LVK, be happy to talk with you face to face if you’d like to come over. I’m also a cfii and have given instrument instruction in a -10 before. Like everyone, I have my own opinions, and, like everyone, think my opinions are the correct ones!
I agree with Mike, get the after market 3rd latch for the doors. Also the axle extensions for the main gear fairings, although I think Vans may have improved that part (not sure).
Most will tell you to hold off on avionics purchases as long as possible. Avionics change faster than other stuff (engines, airframe) and the last thing you want is to have a brand new airplane with (somewhat) obsolete avionics. But definitely think ahead about antennas and coax runs (and pitot and static ports and tubing, lights, …), easier to do before closing things up. You don’t necessarily have to mount the antenna now, but maybe run the coax and mount nutplates now. Think about maintenance, too (if I want to change my antenna how hard will that be?). Your question about autopilot - stand-alone vs built into the efis - has pros and cons on both sides, especially for ifr. Happy to discuss further. If you come over, I can also show you my neighbor’s -10. He made different choices than I did, but we’re both happy. Although he is in the midst of an avionics upgrade. He’s often there, he can tell you his reasons himself.
Hi Bob, that sounds incredible, thank you! I’m out of town until August, but would love to come over and meet up. I’ll send you a DM and we can coordinate.

This probably sounds ridiculous, but I’ve never seen a -10 in person. I’m heading to Oshkosh for the first time and can’t wait to see a -10 up close and personal and meet other builders. I’m also hoping to get a demo flight if there’s room for me with Vans.

Carl! Thank you for all of your tips, incredibly helpful. Wasn’t thinking about maintenance and coax runs now, but that makes a ton of sense. Thank you!

Upperdeck! Good to know!

Mike! Holy ____! Lucky it didn’t end worse! Those spacers and nuts just moved to the top of my list.

Thanks everyone, appreciate the help.
Read builders logs online

Good Recommendations above.

One more I would give is to spend your free time reading builders logs. There are lots of good ones on line that can give you details that you would otherwise not get.

To your specific question on the G3X autopilot above. The capability is in the PFD and when tuned it is VERY good. You will need to add at least 2 servos for pitch and roll to make it functional.

Yaw is optional and after 300+ hours in the air I think the need is moderate only for the rear seat occupants. The tail will wag a bit in turbulence. The few times I have had back seat passengers in light bumps, I noticed it, but had no complaints.
Welcome to the world of experimental aircraft. There are a lot of options and decisions to make as you build your RV-10. Just be aware that each change/addition to the standard Vans design will add time to your build. Some simple changes won't add much, and a few that have been mentioned above (Plane Around center latch) are considered by some (including me) to be safety requirements. Then there is air conditioning, which is expensive in both money and time. Some 10 builders/owners think it is not needed, and others (including me) want it and have installed it. While AC can be installed after your build is complete, if you want it in your plane, it is much easier to install it during the build.

As for auto pilot, the Garmin G3X system does a great job when installed and tuned right. While it is possible to control the AP from the G3X PFD, I would recommend you add their AP control unit to your panel for ease of use, particularly if you anticipate IFR use. I purchased the AP servo mounting kits from Garmin early in my build, and installed them during the build while access was easy. I then purchased the servos later and installed them as part of final construction. The one thing I would do differently would be to install the Yaw servo earlier, while there is more access into the tail cone, including attaching the bridle cables to the rudder cables before closing the tail cone forward top skin. This work can be done later, but it means crawling deep into the tail cone, which isn't much fun. (I know, as I did it twice, first for the original stall, and then again a couple months ago to replace the servos due to a recall by Garmin under warranty.)

Enjoy the build.