
Well Known Member
The August edition of Sport Aviation has an article about the donation of Ken Simmons RV-3 tail kit to Brad Brensing. It mentions many that helped. Great Article and a great deed! I am sure somebody will be able to add the the thread that started this in here!
Cant find it

I searched all over for this thread, and as far as I can determine, someone deleted it quite effectively.

Maybe Doug can work some magic.
The original was a classified listing (auto deleted after around 60 days).

The story is on page 92. Awesome.

Auto deleted----------

And doesnt leave any tracks that I could find.

Slick program.
This is my bad, btw. I should have moved that thread over to to one of the other areas. Sorry.

BTW, I met Brad and his dad at OSH. VERY nice folks. I think Brad said thanks about 8 times <g>.

I just got the mag in the mail, and after reading the article, I (almost) wasnt sure if it was the same story.

Imagine all the help this kid got from EAA, and its members. Sure is amazing what EAA can accomplish. WOW!!

Oh, yeah, there was some mention something about a bunch called VAF, but sounds like they didnt do a lot.
I think most of the EEA members who helped are VAF members but they(EAA) shouldn't have stolen the credit for this. It was started here and just about everything transpired through the VAF thread. At least we know the real story!
TSwezey said:
I think most of the EEA members who helped are VAF members but they(EAA) shouldn't have stolen the credit for this. It was started here and just about everything transpired through the VAF thread. At least we know the real story!

Yep, that is how I remember it.

Writing that check was one of the most productive/satisfying things I have done in 35+ years of aviation.
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Hey Guys! Just got on the forums.

When I was talking to the writer of the article, I did put MUCH emphasis on VAF being the reason why this happened, and it would never have happened if it werent for you guys! But, I suppose that most all the VAF members who helped were EAA members, and it is their magazine, so they probably wanted to focus more on the EAA instead of RV guys... I guess there is so much one can do over e-mails and the phone.. But you are right, at least we know the complete true story!

Doug, and everybody else on this site, I don't feel like I can say thank you enough! What an awsome experience this has been! As for OSH, it was the coolest thing walking down the line of RV's and pointing out who's airplane was who's to my dad- even though I have not met anybody prior to OSH. It was also cool to be able to hop back seat in Dave Hilker's Showplanes RV8 for the ride in! Truly amazing. I also decided to get in on one of the sheetmetal builder's workshops too. My dad even tried it! Do we see an RV project in his future? We'll see.

The added motivation is going to have me looking for a small workspace in my college town, so that I might have a chance of taking the remaining parts of the tail kit and tools with me to college so that (after countless hours of studying of course) I will do someting extra productive with my free time! But, school comes first! <g>

Saving my pennies - hope to be ordering wings next summer!
Brad, just a thought----------when you go away to college, try to hook up with a RV builder there---------offer your services in exchange for a corner to work in, you will learn/develop building skills as well as maybe even earn a few bucks, or at least free shop space.

Good luck in college.
Brad, it was a absolute joy to meet you and your father at OSH.

Wishing you success at college and give my best to father for me.


The added motivation is going to have me looking for a small workspace in my college town, so that I might have a chance of taking the remaining parts of the tail kit and tools with me to college so that (after countless hours of studying of course) I will do someting extra productive with my free time! But, school comes first!

Hi Brad, sorry I missed you at some of the flyins this year. I'm glad you got a ride in Hilkers Super 8 as I'm jealous and haven't had a chance to take a ride yet, one nice machine btw.

One suggestion and only my opinion, :rolleyes: don't get to serious with a girl yet until you get the RV done or find one that can buck rivets, when the RV is done then get serious with the gals. I've had more projects get put on the back burner (YEARS) because of some gal. Not all gals are the same, but if your lucky you might find one to help with the project. Good luck in school and the RV project. :D
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rv969wf said:
One suggestion and only my opinion, :rolleyes: don't get to serious with a girl yet until you get the RV done or find one that can buck rivets, when the RV is done then get serious with the gals. I've had more projects get put on the back burner (YEARS) because of some gal. Not all gals are the same, but if your lucky you might find one to help with the project. Good luck in school and the RV project. :D

Well, my girl won't be in Manhattan with me (although she has agreed to buck rivets), so I guess that will cut down on the girl distractions. And hopefully I can get one of my buddies up there to help take over the bucking job!
Yeah, I was pretty ticked after reading the Sport Aviation article. Everytime I consider joining EAA, they give me a reason not to. It's very apparent to me that the fact that most of the people involved was just a by-product of the industry. They have the article written in such a way that it appears they actually had something to do with it. If they want to do something for him, why don't they give him a free lifetime membership in EAA or buy him a wing kit or something? They won't be getting my money anytime soon after this latest one...
osxuser said:
They have the article written in such a way that it appears they actually had something to do with it.

I agree. That was one of the things I was worried about in the article, because I wanted full credit going to VAF. EAA didn't do anything, it was the RV/VAF guys ,who just happened to be members of EAA.