
Well Known Member
I am installing an archer ant in the wingtip. I planned to run the line direct to the radio, but it would be convenient to put a connector in the fuse to tidy up the wiring now. However, there will also be a connector at the wingtip, as well as at the radio connection.

I have read that the archers aren't the strongest signals and therefore be cautious to avoid unnecessary loss.

Any thoughts from the experts on whether this third connector is a potential for reduced reception range?


At 100 MHz I wouldn?t be concerned with signal loss when new. 10 or 20 years from now, every connector is a potential trouble spot, so I wouldn?t use them willy-nilly. BTW, properly installed, the Archer works just fine.
Insertion loss

You shouldn't have an issue with good quality RF connectors like the Amphenol ones that Stein sells. They're spec'd for 0.2db insertion loss at 3 GHz so at VHF frequencies you shouldn't have significant problems. However, as Bob rightly points out they're an entry point for moisture and corrosion so periodic inspection and judicious use of Coax Seal are good ideas.


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I installed the Archer in the wing tip with a BNC connector similar to what you are planning, the VOR is 5 miles away and the signal is strong while parked in the hangar.
I have a connector at the wing tip so I can easily remove it, another at the wing root, and one that plugs into the GTN. I easily get 40nm range on VORs at cruise alt and 20+ on localizer signals.
At 100 MHz I wouldn?t be concerned with signal loss when new. 10 or 20 years from now, every connector is a potential trouble spot, so I wouldn?t use them willy-nilly. BTW, properly installed, the Archer works just fine.

Take appropriate precautions and you won't have a problem
