Is there any kind of way to bridge serial RS-232 communication between an EFIS device and a Transponder that is not on the EFIS list of "approved" devices.

Both my EFIS (AFS) and my Transponder (Dittel) is able to control/share status over RS-232, but they are not speaking same language (protocol).

Can it be done with a "bridge" device that can be put between the units and act as translator ?

Really lost here.

Copenhagen, Denmark
What data are you trying to share and what model transponder? RS-232 is a pretty simple format, so it would probably be fairly simple for somebody with the right knowledge to build a microcontroller-based converter, if it was really needed, and they had access to the specs for each unit. Not sure it would be worth the time and effort though if all you wanted to do was set the squawk code or something from the EFIS.

I'd contact AFS if I were you and see if they can write the code to make them talk to each other. When I worked for GRT, our programmer often did projects like this.
If you have a Dittel KTX2 Transponder, the manual indicates that the RS-232 control functions are not currently implemented - Ch 4.1.4 of the installation manual refers. IT looks like it only accepts NMEA GPS data at 4800/9600 baud rates on Pin 13 for position data.
If you have a Dittel KTX2 Transponder, the manual indicates that the RS-232 control functions are not currently implemented - Ch 4.1.4 of the installation manual refers. IT looks like it only accepts NMEA GPS data at 4800/9600 baud rates on Pin 13 for position data.

I have access to another doc describing the control parameters:

Only on command at a time is possible:
#KT,M,n,*hh<CR><LF> (set mode)
#KT,D,*hh<CR><LF> (set ident)
#KT,A,nnnn,*hh<CR><LF> (set active Squawk)
#KT,S,*hh<CR><LF> (request status)

Where #KT initiates remote reception. The other sub parameters are also available. I contacted AFS and it doesn't seem like they are interested in providing additional code on their units to control this kind of transponder.