
Trying to find out if I can hook up my SL30 to both the EFIS (Advanced Flight Systems) AND to a remote DME box at the same time ?

As I can read in the manual - the SL30 can display DME data if connected to a remote DME through it's serial interface, but for the moment I am already using this serial interface to display VOR/ILS on my EFIS.

Does anyone know if this would be possible or I should look at a different setup to get the DME displayed.

Before you ask why I need a DME - well unfortunately here in Europe it's mandatory in IFR aircraft and I am trying to prepare my '6' for IFR flights once it will be possible here.

best regards
Per Andersen
Copenhagen, Denmark

You might be able to connect a remote DME through an Apollo DB30 box to use the SL30 as the NAV frequency select and also the DME display. I could not find any wiring diagrams to support this theory. There is a cryptic mention of the DB30 in the SL30 installation manual but that may only be referring to using GPS input to simulate DME values.

Hopefully someone with more old Apollo knowledge will weigh in...
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Can't remember the programming on the SL-30, but you should check if programming can be split between Tx and Rx. You only need Tx to send VOR data to the AFS and the DME interface would be Rx. In this case, you couldn't push freq's to the SL-30 or remote tune, but that is not really a big deal compared to IFR certification.

You can also ask Rob if the AFS will support the DME input directly on the AFS.

Can't remember the programming on the SL-30, but you should check if programming can be split between Tx and Rx. You only need Tx to send VOR data to the AFS and the DME interface would be Rx. In this case, you couldn't push freq's to the SL-30 or remote tune, but that is not really a big deal compared to IFR certification.

You can also ask Rob if the AFS will support the DME input directly on the AFS.


He will also need the TX (out) line on the SL30 to send frequency info to the DME. I don’t know the SL30 output format. If it sends both frequency data and cdi data, you can connect the output to both the dme and efis. But first find out the format.
Edit added: There's a ton of info on this in the appendix of the installation manual. Might need to be a computer geek to read it, though.
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I'm a computer geek. <grin/>

Which DME are you trying to interface with? It would need to parse the SL30 serial VOR frequency output format. The SL30 has none of the old King style outputs (CLOCK/DATA/CHAN).

You can generally split an RS-232 output as they typically run 12v but the standard (and most chips) will accept much less signal.

As said, you need a DB30 if you want to interface a KN62/63/64 to the SL30.
Here is the install manual of the DB30:

With a DB30, I connected the serial VOR/ILS output of a GNS480 (same as the SL30) with a KN64 in remote mode to have one stream of data containing VOR/ILS+DME infos. This stream was used to drive a microcontroller board (arduino based) with an external DAC, so outputting an analog value of the DME distance. This analog value was then used to drive the analog DME input of a HS34 with a legacy Dynon system. Was working very well.

If you need a DB30, I have one that I don't use.
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Amazing that you had the DB30 manual, and a DB30. That's a pretty cool converter box.
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