
Well Known Member
In looking at my plans (DWG 28 Detail D) it looks like Van wants the conical bend in the F-970 side skin to end up between the F-976 bottom skin and the underlying structure. This seems a little funny.... wouldnt any water running down the side skins then end up seeping under the bottom skin? I would have thought the side skin would end up on the outside..... Am I confused or do I have it right and it will work out anyway?

Thanks for any info.
Over the top

I, like you, studied this for quite a while. I finally decided to put the side skins over the top of the bottom skins. It fits alot better with the F-623 or whatever the number is on those triangular pcs. The possibility of water running in and the fit is what made up my mind.
This is how mine came out.


Hope that helps,
Ditto what Jamie did. IMHO this looks MUCH better than the other way around. And if you think about it, if you lap the side skin over the bottom skin, where is all the water from the underside of the fuselage going to go while you're flying? It's going to be pushed aft on the bottom skin and go under the side skin. It won't do that if you tuck the side skin under the bottom skin.
It is suppose to go under the bottom skin.

Vans sez you can do it either way.

Some QB's are on the outside some are tucked in.

Some like it better tucked in, others outside.

It fits better on the PP models if you put it on the outside.
There is one place where it shows how it goes on the plans. It is on the one that shows all the skin rivet sizes. The picture above is like the plans. That's the way I did mine and it came out nice.
Thanks all - especially for the pictures. I didn't know my confusion was so common :p

I'll bend it and see which I like better.... sure is nice to have a place to as questions!