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English newspaper

VAF threads



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It sounded originally like the authorities would permit only a single flight for the aircraft, now it sounds like they'll be allowed to fly it more than that which is great news! Looks great, quite a different paint scheme. Congrats to all involved.
I believe he works for the same company I do now.. can see the logo on the cowl, and have seen some pictures in our company news letters..but he is on the other side of the world. Great job!
I can remember living in HK and reading VAF everyday. I looked into building in HK but I ran into so many dead ends. I finally had to leave HK to make my dream happen. I loved living there.
Good to see the team made it happen.
Congratulations to all involved! It's a great accomplishment, and especially since it sounds like more flights will be authorized. Maybe this can help promote and expand EAB aviation in mainland China too.
Congrats! I know this is a major endeavor over there. Enjoy the flight testing phase. I like that paint scheme!

Now, that's a place where I would love to fly over... Been out and about for a few years, navigatings its peaks, tunnels and waters, I can only fly over Hong Kong in flight simulator... All the best, fly safe. If you come to Bras?lia, my hangar is yours, Captain.

Depend on what you take into the account of the cost of the airplane or the entire project. Everything has to be imported to Hong Kong, and the shipping often cost more than the item itself. Give you a few examples, the tailwheel bearings need replacing, they are $3 a piece, and the shipping cost $45; The instrument panel from Stein cost $1200 to ship, and the insurance for the first flight alone cost $11000USD. The government charged us $2500 for that one flight. Fuel is $22/USG and they comes in a barrel of 53gal. Oil is $15USD a quart....the list goes on. It gets to the point where we can't stop because of money, so much has been invested, it carries so much hope from everyone involved.
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And to think, I was worried about how much $ I've got in mine..........
congratulations hank!

truly amazing, considering all the hoops that had to be jumped and - literally - "red tape" to be cut!

hope you get to fly her some more!

regards from switzerland,
