
Well Known Member
As a fellow alumni, enjoy Berkeley. (Physics '86) It is a fun place. I spent many a days up at Lawerence Berkeley Labs while studying. It is a wonderful place with lots of history. If you get a chance, go up there.
Hope you enoy it. And dont let studying interfere with your education.

Berkeley, WOW! You make us all very proud.

I will be looking forward to five more years of updates.
Congratulations Audrey! If the VAF family has given you wings, you should know you give us a very special kind of hope. Hope that your work, your values, and your perseverance will serve mankind in ways we cannot imagine.
We should all get to know a young lady as awesome as Audrey

VAF Friends,
I have the great fortune of being based here at 52F and counted among the gaggle Doug often calls "the usual suspects." That places me in the perfect position to get to know Doug and, especially, his wonderful wife Susan and kids Audrey and Tate. What a treat it is to know this family.

We all admire and support Doug for the VAF online meeting place he created for us all. However, I believe his real achievement...actually his and Susan's...lies in how well they have raised their children. Audrey and Tate are the type of young Americans that give us all hope for America's future. They are intelligent, respectful, devoted, hard-working, know right from wrong (more often than not), and they make their parents proud.

I mean...Dude! Audrey finished her medical-freakin'-biology degree in less than 3 years! And now off to the full boat masters-PhD program at one the three best bio-med universities in the nation? At their invitation?

Here, Doug, here's another check for my VAF investment. I'm thrilled to take part supporting this fantastic slice of the American dream.

PS: Hang in there Susan. We love you...
Congratultions!! Help prove that there really is better living through chemistry.:D
Congratulations Audrey !!!

You've got an amazing future in store for you. Getting into a Doctoral program in Chemical Biology is quite an accomplishment.

My son-in-law went down a similar path (Bio-informatics) and is now a full professor at NYU so I can appreciate the amount of work that it takes (and the pay-off when your done). I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress at Berkeley and looking forward to the day that you post that you have your PhD in hand.

Well Done!
Way to go, Audrey!!!

quoting scrollF4 "We all admire and support Doug for the VAF online meeting place he created for us all. However, I believe his real achievement...actually his and Susan's...lies in how well they have raised their children. Audrey and Tate are the type of young Americans that give us all hope for America's future. They are intelligent, respectful, devoted, hard-working, know right from wrong ... , and they make their parents proud ... I'm thrilled to take part supporting this fantastic slice of the American dream."

Thrilled as well!!!

Doug, Susie, Audrey, and Tate. We are so proud of ALL the accomplishments of all you. Doug and Susie for being the people you obviously are, and raising 2 wonderful children. You are now beginning to see the fruits of your labor. Our country would be a better place if all the parents were like you.

Audrey--gee what does one say to your accomplishments, other than WOW. Its one thing to have your name (or initials) on an airplane, but you have launched, and have gone through Max Q--I hope you realize how many people YOU have inspired. Our best to you!

Tate---gee dude---its tough following in the foot steps of an overachiever, but from what I know---you are on a fast track too. Keep your eyes on the target.

All of you make us proud to know you---even if its on a forum, an email, or an occasional phone call.

Tom and Suzanne

Congratulations to Doug and Susie...and of course to Audrey. After reading all of the previous posts, I can only say, "I totally agree." What a splendid record! The Reeves family has every right to be proud today. And the VAF family is proud, too.
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Hello Doug,

You must be brimming with pride! Congrats to Audrey. You are our future!! Best wishes!!
You should be so proud.

It great when Audrey can lead the pack.
Congrats to all her hard work.

She will be the next DR in the family.

Way to Go, Audrey!!!

Wow, what an AMAZING accomplishment! Congratulations on your new degree.

It's been fun to follow you along your journey via your dad's occasional updates, and I'm looking forward to following your progress on your new adventure in Northern California.

When you attain your PHD, will we have to refer to you as "Doctor Audrey" on the VAF forums? ;) How about the nickname of "DA" to go with your pops, "DR" - I kind of like the sound of that.
Congratulations Audrey!

Nice job! You will love it at Berkeley. Grad school will be one of the best times in your life. Doing research with your advisors and colleagues is the best! Please keep us posted on your progress.

That is a fantastic accomplishment! Say hello to Oski. And make sure to explore the surrounding Bay Area along with your studies ... it has much to offer. Again congrats and enjoy the journey. :)
Some Kind of Time Warp?

Wait, wasn't it the week before last DR proudly informed us Audrey was accepted at SMU? Have I been in some kind of time warp or is this young lady moving at hyper speed?

May the successes continue.

Audrey, congratulations! I wish you nothing but the best at Berkeley. I have a second home in the Bay Area and know it well. The more Texas you can bring out there, the better.

Doug, I salute you and your wife for giving us all Audrey.

Cheers all around.

Congratulations!! UC Berkeley isn't the easiest place to get into! That's a very proud accomplishment!

And welcome to the bay area!! This is a wonderful place that you'll never want to leave! If you need any advice about living in the east bay don't hesitate to ask.
Berkeley is a beautiful campus in one of my favorite places on the planet. Make sure to find some time to explore the area... especially the Marin Headlands (where my ashes will be scattered), San Francisco (of course) and Mt. Diablo (not far and worth the trek). Much suceess... live life to the fullest... you'll be in an excellent place to do just that!
Best day tour

Ok you talked me into it. My best day tour of SF from Cal Berkeley:
Leave ucsb at 7 or 8 am. Head across Richmond bridge to Muir woods. Plan to be there at 9 or when they open to avoid crowds. Hike muir woods. Afterwards, Exit south and go to marin headlands/ stinson beach, if you are adventurous; Or mt. Tamalpias.
Head across golden gate to palace of fine arts and childrens science museum, or other goldengate park attractions. Then thru little Italy and eat late dinner in chinatown; but find one off the beaten path with only locals inside ( best one we found was across the street from a market with dead birds in the window).
Then head to embarcadaro center for dancing and comedy clubs. Back to UCSB across oakland bay bridge to sleep.

During my time there, this route incurred no toll charges on the bridges; not sure if today they still only have tolls in one direction or not.

You have made us all proud. Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing how your future research has made the world a better place.
"they grow up so fast"

Young parents basically nod dismissively when the old folks tell them that.

They kvetch about the Terrible Twos and potty training and wonder if it will ever end.

They put up with the virus-of-the-week that comes home from kindergarten.

Then the teenage years hit and -- well -- let's just not bring up that trauma.

And then they're gone. Just like that, leaving parents to look around at young couples with infants and saying, "they grow up so fast."

Kids, call your parents every now and again. They miss you.