Congratulations Doug

Well hanger mate, it has been hard to keep the secret. Now that it's out, I'm proud to brag to everyone. You don't need to be humble. You really deserve this. I can't think of anyone that has done more to promote the greatest line of homebuilt aircraft on the planet than you.
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Outstanding Doug! Well deserved...

I always read my Flying Magazine backwards, becasue I always liked Bax's column best. Met him at a fly-in once - a nice guy. I am glad the EAA recognizes good communicators in his name.

I hope I can be there to see you accept the award!
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Well Done

Congrats Doug! Just goes to show you that there are rewards for doing something you love to do!

It's been exciting to watch you, your skills, your influence grow over the years. I have some printed pages of the early VAF issues and really enjoyed watching your site as you constructed Flash.

Just as Bax was always a great teacher, you follow in his large footsteps in encouraging the current and next generation of aviators. I would not be surprised to one day see a "Doug Reeves Award." I will be able to proudly tell my great-grandkids that I knew that man!
Congratulations Doug!

You know, when you started this website, I thought; "Well, he's doing a great job while building. But what will happen to the site after the transition from building to flying."
Well you have far exceeded all expectations. The site flourishes even more.
Well deserved!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, congratulations. I think this is the best news/forum site on the web, and not just because of the RV bias. Well deserved, Doug.

It's always nice to see an award to go to someone truly deserving. Reading VAF is the favorite part of my daily morning routine. Congrats Doug.

That's really great! While I've only been here a short time, I'm not new to aviation and remember Bax's articles well. I have to agree, you do represent him and the award well.
This could help you get that military back-seat ride you're looking for. After all, you're an "Award Winning Journalist" now! :D
congrats to Doug

Excellent! This site is a lifesaver to us first time builders. With or without the award, I want to shake your hand and buy you a brew of your choice. Hope to meet you at Kosh.
Good for you, Doug!

Congratulations, Doug.

Every month when I received my Flying magazine, I turned to Bax's BAX SEAT column and enjoyed them thoroughly. Now every morning the first thing I do when the PC comes up is to read your VAF site. So you are very deserving of the award. Must be something about you Texans.

Again...Congratulations! :D
Congrats, Doug.

Bax was a special writer and your receipt of this award is an honor. I was lucky enough to own his old Mooney for a couple of years. I hope your RV brings you as many adventures.

Doug! VAF, Like Bax Seat of old are two of my favorite aviation resources. I think you are a very appropriate fit. Carry On. :)

Dear Doug,

Bax is one of the icons who inspired me with his genuine zeal for flying. I have his book - inside it there's a little secret: a story I wrote to myself as a high school kid where Bax and I flew one afternoon in a Great Lakes. Its pretty special to me, even though it may sound funny to anybody else. He touched so many aviator's hearts.

Your selfless devotion to VAF and all of us here is well deserved, and like Bax, you're a real inspiration to everyone. God bless you!

A BIG....

.....Congratulations Doug, well deserved!!!!!

>Bows chanting...."were not worthy"......"were not worthy"....

Like the others, I too read the BAX SEAT first. I also enjoyed the stories he had in the back of Car and Driver every month. When he stopped writing it was like when my father died, I couldn't talk to him any longer.

To be honored in his name is just outstanding, congratulations!
Thanks for the very kind words. I’m 100% certain the reason this site works is due to the caliber of folks who visit and contribute in the forums. I am just a copy and paste meat servo. On a coral scooter. With WiFi.

Copy & Paste Meat Servo. I like that….that’s my new title.

I have no other marketable skills, so my grand plan is to 'Keep on keepin’ on.' And if the Big Man Upstairs sees fit, I’ll do it (with gusto) for the next three decades or so. I do enjoy this hobby. And these folks.
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Good for EAA

Congratulations, Doug. Very well deserved. I'll be one of your groupies in the audience when you receive it.

Hmm. If Paul doesn't get that shuttle down by then, I'll also be needing a date.....;)
Good for Doug

I was debating on whether to get banquet tickets or not but seeing how Doug's getting the Bax award Van's sold two more tickets. We'll be there in support of Doug.

Congratulations Doug!
What you do really does help forward the aviation movement.
I can honestly say this website and the community that has built it were a large part of my decision to buy my RV-8 kit.

Congratulations Doug. We are all looking forward to seeing you at the banquet.

I?m proud to be your?neighbor.
Outstanding news Doug! Congrats...very well deserved!

Concur with the others, VAF is a great community...thanks for keeping it very much alive for us!


Well deserved, Doug:

Enjoy it to the max. Your site has been an excellent read every morning for over four years and it has been very helpful in ideas, repairs, modifications, and taxes (last, but not least).

Keep up the good work and earn more awards.

That is just outstanding! You are entirely worthy of the honor, having created and maintained what is surely one of the most consistently high-quality forms of aviation education and communication in the web. I'm absolutely sure this website is one of the many reasons Van's RVs are as popular as they are.


I'll add my congratulations. I read the Bax Seat column religiously as I was learning to fly and thereafter. Bax always brought an attitude of fun, passion and down-home worldliness to his writing. It's a rare thing anymore. Thanks for keeping people excited about flying and building.


Way to go Doug!!!

I'm proud of you, you have really done a great job and it is well deserved.
Congratulations - again

Congratulations to you and to your family on this well deserved award. You all can be happy and enjoy the award. You have added greatly to the RV world by providing us with this service.

Congrats also to your many expert contributors and forum monitors. This forum is truly informative, useful and timely. Thanks to you all. :cool:
Bax Seat Award

I can't think of a better person to receive this award.
Congratulation Doug.
Swelled Head warning.

Guys, dont lay it on too thick, that -3 has a pretty small canopy. [ed. Thanks Mike! dr]
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Doug, they gave you the award cuz it was a no-brainer. Keep it comin, you're doing great. Look forward to seeing you at OSH
Other Award

Oh, he's gotten another award he doen't know about. The award for slowing the internet and the economy down because everyone is at work reading his website. Seriously, atta boy, well deserved!

When my building slows, I long on and get re-motivated to go to the shop.
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Thanks for the very kind words. I’m 100% certain the reason this site works is due to the caliber of folks who visit and contribute in the forums. I am just a copy and paste meat servo. On a coral scooter. With WiFi.

Copy & Paste Meat Servo. I like that….that’s my new title.

I have no other marketable skills, so my grand plan is to 'Keep on keepin’ on.' And if the Big Man Upstairs sees fit, I’ll do it (with gusto) for the next three decades or so. I do enjoy this hobby. And these folks.

The great success of this forum is not just luck - it is skill on your part.
Rather than a paste andcopy meat servo,
the reason this forum succeeds is the standards
you quietly but determindly insist on - stay on topic
- be polite
- any critisism must be constructive
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Hey "Meat Servo..."

You are much too humble. What you've done for the RV community is immeasurable. We are all eternally grateful. Congratulations!
Ode to a Meat Servo

That's mighty fine company you are in, Doug. Gordon Baxter and you share the love of people who love aviation. Your self deprecation is misplaced. Reminds me of some prose I learned in grade school.

He is a poet
and doesn't know it
but his feet show it.
They're long fellows.

Thank you, Thank you very much.
Congrats Doug! Bax was a favorite author of mine for as many years as he wrote. Your efforts with VAF absolutely reflect a love of aviation that Gordon Baxter would applaud. Way to go!
Congradulations Doug. Love the site, this is well deserved award.

I'll be hontest, haven't read Flying magazine or much by Gordon Baxter--so I just subscribed to Flying.
Congrats Doug!

Good on ya'!

I'll join the chorus of kudos and agree that it's a well-deserved honor.

I usually read Bax first in most Flying issues. He was an aviation romantic with a down-home way of connecting with his readers and used his folksy charm to spin "you-are-there" visual images.

Quite an honor!
