
Well Known Member
It's on the front page, but especially wanted to post a HUGE CONGRATS to VAF founder and landlord Doug Reeves, who became the newest right-seat qualified Phenom 300 SIM pilot on Monday. He's ready to read your checklists for exploded engines, hydraulic failures and electrical gremlins. :D Up next? 80 SIM sessions working with SIM clients and he can earn PIC in the jet!

Seriously, Doug works his butt off and this class was a crazy amount of info and fast paced. So cool to see him chasing these dreams, all of which started with an RV and grew from there. As he once said, "A chance meeting at a gas pump in 1995 changed my life forever, so... I’m the luckiest guy in the world."

Super happy for ya, DR -- Community icon, RV pilot *AND* Phenom 300 Supporting Crew Member (part time) -- Awesome!!

Hopefully he can get permission to post the photo of him in the SIM upon completion. We'll still call it an RV grin, no matter what seat he's sitting in.

[ed. I got permission to use this picture. This is a pretty tired me after landing in my S7 (sim #7), the last day of two weeks of ground school and sim hops. What an experience! I can't say enough about the instructors and training, and I'm looking forward to running the checklist for CAE clients a day or so a week down the road. I'm learning a LOT!!!! v/r,dr]

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'What's next? I think probably a multi-rating and then maybe a second in command rating in a buisiness jet. That could be a couple years from now.'

--Doug Reeves May 29, 2019 (307 Days ago)

You may have underestimated yourself Doug. Congratulations!
nice job. I remember when you were going after your instrument rating. keep pushing but I predict you will really like giving exams in the SIM.
It?s a very cool thing, Doug. Right seat qual?d, jetting into the (simulated) flight levels! Keep climbing, DR. :cool:
Congrats, DR.

I am proud of you; I am guessing that the process that you just went through exposed you to all sorts of emotions, sometimes from one extreme to the other, all on the same day. But you made it!!

Looking forward to seeing you at the training center when I'm through there in 6 - 8 more months.
Thank you!!! (picture)

Thank you for the kind words!!!

I got permission to use this picture. This is a pretty tired me after landing in my S7 (sim #7), the last day of two weeks of ground school and sim hops. What an experience! I can't say enough about the instructors and training, and I'm looking forward to running the checklists for CAE clients a day or so a week down the road. I'm learning a LOT.

Yours with motion ON,
dr ;^)

“Instructor Station, Crew Station - Ready for motion, ready for run!”

Enjoy there Dougie!

Congrats Doug! Our flight department had a Phenom 300 for a couple of years, that thing is an absolute rocket ship!

Straight to FL450, not too many civilian aircraft can do that!