
I'm New Here
Not sure if anyone else has see this, but within the last 24 hours, an electrical wiring diagram was posted on the Aveo Engineering Web Site for the Conforma ZipTips. It is a PDF so you can download it no problems. The fact that the diagram shows 28 volts with no mention on 14 volt systems is a little :confused:
That is a little weird..

..I can't believe they wouldn't have a 14V setup. I have landing lights, strobes and position lights, all from them and all work with a 14V system, so my guess would be they just happened to post that particular wiring chart. A lot of their products are aimed at the certified market..
i had been emailing with them directly about this, the amount of delays, production changes, and lack of progress I have seen on this, and other Aveo products that piqued my interest (The 6+1 lights for example) have really made me lose faith in this company, they must have their focus elsewhere

I spoke with them today. The first shipment is on its way to Florida from Europe on a container ship. Should be about a month or so..

Yes, they can be a pain to deal with but the quality is unequaled. I'm going to use them and have some reserved.

In the past all of their products have been 14 Volts. I'm sure, despite the drawings, it will be 14. My first 7 had the 6 in 1 and they were 14 Volts and BRIGHT!!!
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I was all gung ho about using them, saw that another Justin used them on his build. He said they were bright and functional but hinted at some customer support issues.

I reached out to Aveo and shot their 'CEO' an email. Took about a month but got a reply, went back and forth with her trying to get any information I could ie where to purchase, price, ect... All roads led to a dead end so I moved on.

My concern is if it's this hard to try to spend money with them imagine trying to get something serviced or supported.
I had an unfortunate experience similar to Justin's. For their sake I hope they get their act together. It appears they have a great product, but service amd responsiveness, especially on something so new and expensive (I assume--I was never able to get a price out of them) is key.