
I'm New Here
Long-time lurker, first time poster.

Purchased flying RV-8A last year and am in need of conditional inspection soon, hopefully near San Antonio, Texas. (Located at 5C1).

Looking for recommendations / advice. I?m happy to help with the work or hand-off to a trusted individual or shop.

I?ve searched other posts but hope bringing this to the top will bring a solution.

Thank you in advance.


N181RV RV-8A (flying)
Mooney 201 (sold)
F-15C/AT-38C (repossessed)
2018 Dues Paid

Randy Richmond (Monkey) at 52F up in Fort Worth is a short flight for you, and has a great eye for things that aren?t right. Since you didn?t build the airplane, and its your first condition inspection, it wouldn?t hurt to have a seasoned RV mechanic have a really good look. Randy spots stuff that everybody else misses.

He advertises somewhere here on Doug?s site.....

Walt, Randy, Sean Scott and maybe even the original builder might stop by. Give me a call and I can provide contact information for some really good talent here in N Texas.

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Thank you!

Thanks gentlemen.

Nice to see all the replies including the builder!! It?s an awfully nice plane Pat.

I?ll give a call. North Texas is stacked with RV talent.

We ought to find a way for y?all to experience the joys of hill country.

I'm also in the SA area, and about seven years ago I bought my 6A from a builder in Orlando. Six months later, while landing, I hit a small deer with the right wing. For more than two months I tried my best to find help in our area. I even made several calls to the Dallas and Houston areas asking for advice, or assistance. I offered to pay expenses just to simply come take a look. No takers, I was on my own.

I'm mechanically inclined, know, and have the trust of several ap's and ia's, and have always done owner assisted annuals and my condition inspections. I'm sure with some guidance I could have done the sheet metal repairs myself. Long story short, eventually I found a shop in Alabama who was willing to help. I removed the wings, put the plane on a trailer, and shipped it to Alabama. Maybe it was just bad luck on my part, or maybe things have changed since then, but I'm very happy for you that you've found some assistance from this community.