I assume you are talking "Amateur-Built".

You won't find chapter and verse in the FARs because the part that covers that is part 43 which does not apply to experimentals. However, your operating limitations state that "An experimental aircraft builder certificated as a repairman for this aircraft under part 65.104, or an appropriately rated FAA certificated mechanic may perform the condition inspection required by these operating limitations." Note that it says "mechanic" not inspector. Therefore IA is not required. The IA is typically required on type certificated aircraft to assure the the aircraft meets it's type certificate. An experimental amateur-built has no type certificate.
Condition Inspection

Can anyone cite chapter and verse as to who can perform a condition inspection?

The short answer is the person that built it, if they obtained a Repairman's certificate, or a licensed A&P mechanic. An IA is not required.

The beginning of the "chapter and verse is in FAR 91.319 here: http://tinyurl.com/yfwrxwp

BUT the details are in your Operating Limitations which will state something along the lines of "No person shall operate this aircraft unless in the preceding 12 calendar months.... And then it states "Only FAA certificated mechanics holding an airframe and powerplant rating or an appropriately rated repair station may perform the condition inspection." Followed by how to make the log entry which includes the language "I certify that this aircraft has been inspection (date) in accordance with the scope and detail of Appendix D of Part 43 and found to be in a condition for safe operation."

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"