Tony Rome

Hope some here can give some guidance. I've search for the cost of a owner assisted Condition Inspection (ie. owner opens and closes panels, etc). And found some old post, but I would appreciate some current prices.
What is typical for both the inspection and hourly A/P cost? How much time is billable?
Thank you for your input.
Further Explaination

The reason for my question to all is that past Condition inspections with this A/P I/A had been $500.00 plus any parts or repairs. So I had no reason to suspect an issue. This Inspection was billed at plus $2500.00 and no specifics. There were no issues other than throttle body plate service compliance. When asked, he stated "that's what it is." What is suggested?
So the inspection was completed without any agreement beforehand on what the charges would be? Not a good situation, but If so, then there was no contract between the two parties and you must decide after the fact what is fair and reasonable. The amount doesn’t necessarily have to be $2500, because you never agreed to that. If you can’t reach an agreement, the alternative is to take your chances in small claims court. The fact that you were previously charged $500 should help your case.

I had a similar experience a few years ago. We agreed on $500 but this guy took it upon himself to “fix” a bunch of stuff without my approval and tried to charge me $3,000. I always give a client an ballpark figure on what it’s going to cost and if it looks like I’m going to exceed that amount I will stop and consult with the owner before proceeding

I certainly agree I should not have assumed that it would continue to be the $500.00 plus cost and agreed to a firm number. I will speak to the AP/IA and seek an itemized and detailed billing, which I'm sure all agree to be due for the work. The current invoice simply states amount due for Condition Inspection.

Thank you for your advice and replies.
