
Well Known Member

I'm about 2/3rds of the way thru the condition inspection and I discovered a little trick that, at least I, didn't know about before. You know how difficult it is to get the bowl off of the Andair gascolator on the -12? Well, pulling it off has always been difficult for me........until my brain checked in. I realized that I was pulling against a vacuum in the fuel system. Once I pressed and held in the drain valve, the bowl slide right off into my hand. DUH!! Thought I'd pass this along in case you hadn't heard of this either.

Haven't found much of anything so far, just a loose stop nut. I'll be moving on to the 200 hr Rotax maintenance items next.
Wing removal as part of an annual---------that is a bit different.

Good tip on the vacuum/drain valve.
Yeah how about a larger picture?


I've posted quite a few pictures of my completed -12. I figure people are getting tired of seeing it. You can go to THIS thread to see a few more pictures. You can also go HERE for a few more.

Thanks for the compliments on the paint. John Stahr of Artistic Aviation deserves the credit.