ron sterba

Well Known Member
Working on my condition inspection in my logbook for engine I have a note with my compression tests from last year that indicate satisfactory with AC 90.116-98. I wanted to read that but I cannot find it I am assuming it is a advisory circular. When checking on the Internet I show no results found. After checking my Lycoming manual I am not finding a set of values for compression test. Help! Ron in Oregon
Working on my condition inspection in my logbook for engine I have a note with my compression tests from last year that indicate satisfactory with AC 90.116-98. I wanted to read that but I cannot find it I am assuming it is a advisory circular. When checking on the Internet I show no results found. After checking my Lycoming manual I am not finding a set of values for compression test. Help! Ron in Oregon

Here is a link to the Lycoming website that has the instructions for a compression check. The instructions are given in latest version of Service Instruction 1191.
Thanks Gary and Ed, excellent reading I might add! Perfect for my #s. /80. Just curious any body know whatAC 90.116-98 is or was. Thanks
RON in Oregon
Ron, you probably wrote "AC 90.116-9B", not "-98". AC 90.116 is the Advisory Circular on the Additional Pilot Program (guessing you took advantage of this since there are notes as such in your logbook).

Section 9B is "Powerplant Testing". No instructions for compression check, just guidance that you should perform one.
Thanks Kurt, so “8” is a “B” and it is in fact a Advisory Circular. You pushed my button of Curiosity on taking advantage of 90.116. What’s special here?��
Ron RV9A twin Dynon Skyviews