
Legacy Member
Doug is now collecting Condition Inspection Check Lists.

They are listed below the POH's he has collected and made available. Here is the link.

If you have a check list you would like to share, please send it to Doug.
Sent Doug my Condition Inspection Check List.
One thing I notice missing from a lot of CI Check Lists are SB's and AD's (if appropriate). To what degree they get documented; ie, those that apply, or those that don't, etc... is up to the individual, but they need to be logged in some manner.
It is part of the CI and in my opinion needs to be addressed there. Of course it is a log book item and I guess as long as it gets done.... However, how many rudder weldment SB's do we still see pop up out of compliance?...all the time....
Sent Doug my Condition Inspection Check List.
One thing I notice missing from a lot of CI Check Lists are SB's and AD's (if appropriate). To what degree they get documented; ie, those that apply, or those that don't, etc... is up to the individual, but they need to be logged in some manner.
It is part of the CI and in my opinion needs to be addressed there. Of course it is a log book item and I guess as long as it gets done.... However, how many rudder weldment SB's do we still see pop up out of compliance?...all the time....

You are spot on regarding looking for AD's and SB's. Every year I edit and expand my checklist. For example, if I had an "A", I would add a checklist item to replace the nose gear bolt and add the bolt, washer, and nut to the consumables list.

That is why it is so important to edit / update your checklist every year.

At the end of my inspection, all I write in my logbooks (Engine, prop, and airframe) are the words required in the Operating Limitations. However, I sign and date the checklist and put it in the file that will go with the plane, should I ever sell it. Of course, anything I fix, change, etc. is written in the logbooks before the signoff.