Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
I believe that there was a previous thread on this, but I can't seem to find it. Anyway, today looked like a nice morning to go flying so we headed out of Reno eastbound to have a look for some of the old airway beacons. Below are a few photos of the beacons/emergency airfields along the way. We went from Reno almost direct to Battle Mountain, NV, then back along I-80.

Beacon 28, just east of Lovelock, NV. Concrete arrow is still there. Visible on google earth if you know where to look.

Beacon 28 emergency airfield, a short bit east of the arrow.

Beacon 30 hilltop site. No obvious evidence of the arrow or beacon.

Beacon 32 hilltop site. Looks like there are a few pieces of wood scattered around below the hilltop, but otherwise no structures.

Beacon 33 emergency airfield, Buffalo Valley, NV. Arrow is in the corner on the right side of the photo. You can see this on google earth if you look hard enough, though the google earth image is kind of fuzzy.

Beacon 33 concrete arrow. Looks like some sort of structure built on the tail of the arrow. Did not land to check it out.

BLM firefighter graffiti :D

Beacon 34 near Golconda Summit, NV (center of photo). By this time my photographer was not feeling too well, what with the bumpy air and trying to take photos with a telephoto lens, so we didn't really get a good photo. Very visible on google earth, however.

Neat stuff Greg - amazing that you could find so many! My mission this morning was to overfly ski areas around Tahoe - air was smooth, once I got above 12K.....
North west of Lincoln, NE near Silver Creek, NE are the rings of a bombing range used during WWII training. The rings of the range are still clearly visible. I actually used them during my flight training ( not for bombing runs, I'm not that old) for doing turns around a point.

Good stuff to see these old historical markers from the air.

Thanks for posting. :D
Good stuff guys! Greg, neat photos, thanks for posting.

Paul, the Ski Area tours are fun aren't they. Quite a lot of them out here, about 18 active ones in the local area and a few old inactive ones too.