
Well Known Member
We don't talk much about them, but our devices are becoming more dependent on them for management. Plus there's all the non-aviation functions

I have three and each has a unique purpose.

My old Win Vista laptop got reimaged with Linux Mint. It plays my music library. 4000+ songs just run in alpha order. Now it boots in about a minute instead of an hour! Linix rocks. It's my hangar laptop.

I ripped all my music to lossless FLAC files. Nice, because I can move and play the files anywhere and on almost any device.

Old Win 10 Surface Pro 4 is the same function, but it serves as my shop computer. Recently replaced the battery and screen. Works like new.

New Win 11 Framework 13 is really awesome. The concept is new. Fully sustainable, repairable, upgradable by the customer. SSD memory storage. Boots very quick.
They even provide the tools in the box. There's four hot swap expansion slots. You pick the four you want at purchase. Mine has HDMI, two USB and a Micro SD. Planning to add an ethernet and pull the HDMI. One USB-C is used for charging. Kinda need that one but it can serve as a USB port when not charging. The other USB-C is used for a hub for routine stuff. Connecting storage, cell phone, etc. All my storage is on a 2Tb SSD with a network, fire safe and off site backup. I don't trust drives. The micro usb has a 256G storage card. I may put the music library on it. The best part is they encourage customers to fix or upgrade rather than trash the device and buy another. You can buy every part to fix it. Basically the opposite of that fruity company. Sorry to you folks that drink that koolaid.

Anyway, the idea is to start thinking about how you will connect to the electronics for maintenance or management. Most stuff on my Dynon is done by USB, but some require ethernet or serial. Try and find a laptop or tablet with an ethernet port these days. P-Mags connect by Serial to USB adapter. I have serial ports under the panel.

Framework is releasing a 16" next. I'm tempted.
I have my old iMac in the hangar to display my digital copies of the plans. I also have pdf copies of all the instructions for the stuff I added to the plane ( Skyview, ELT, Emag, Sensenich ground adjustable prop, etc). Much quicker than finding the paper instructions. This stuff is still useful a year and a half after first flying. It also plays music. I also have a windows laptop to talk to the Vertical Power VP-X sport to program the flaps, trim, light wig wag, and just about every thing else. It's a PIA to get the ethernet plugged into the VP-X so I hope I have that about finalized. In addition my phone plays music also to a bluetooth speaker. I guess I have a few computers just to get a basic airplane in the air. Progress I guess.

I have my old iMac in the hangar to display my digital copies of the plans. I also have pdf copies of all the instructions for the stuff I added to the plane ( Skyview, ELT, Emag, Sensenich ground adjustable prop, etc). Much quicker than finding the paper instructions. This stuff is still useful a year and a half after first flying. It also plays music. I also have a windows laptop to talk to the Vertical Power VP-X sport to program the flaps, trim, light wig wag, and just about every thing else. It's a PIA to get the ethernet plugged into the VP-X so I hope I have that about finalized. In addition my phone plays music also to a bluetooth speaker. I guess I have a few computers just to get a basic airplane in the air. Progress I guess.

Can you add an ethernet cable with a female jack for maintenance? Just tether it under the panel or add a jack somewhere.

I bet I could. Just haven't looked for a short male to female ethernet cable. Ill put that on the list of things to do.

I have the cable plugged in to the vpx and coiled behind the panel. There is a cover over the coiled end.
I bet I could. Just haven't looked for a short male to female ethernet cable. Ill put that on the list of things to do.

Amazon, Lowes, Walmart, or just about anyone else that sells cable should be able to charge you about 3 bucks for an RJ45 coupler.

- mark
It’s not really an issue. I have programmers that work via serial or either net. You can buy a usb to eithernet/serial converter and call it done with the correct firmware. I use it for programming my plane and also for programming my car’s pcm.

I have an old IBM ThinkPad running Windows XP. It manages to run all my maintenance programs and talks to my P-mag.