
Well Known Member
Hey guys,

Not quite RV related, but should cross right over. I'm putting a 3-blade composite/wood core FP prop on a Tailwind, and was wondering if anyone has a breakdown of what exactly I need to buy as far as crush plates and stuff go. I got the prop/spinner assembly second hand from an RV-6 guy and he didn't give me everything that came off it. It's mounted to a 4" spool extension, so I'm assuming that works as the back crush plate, then I THINK I need a spacer on the front to make the fwd spinner bulkhead work, but can't that spacer also work as the fwd crush plate? I ask because the installation before had a spacer, then the fwd bulkhead then the crush plate, which didn't make much sense to me. But on the other hand, the fwd crush plate he used was steel, and it could be he wanted the extra weight on the nose...
You need to check with the prop manufacturer. He will know all the requirements for his prop.
Thanks, I guess i'll have to look him up. I bought the prop second hand, obviously...