
Well Known Member
Hi all,

I am merrily working away on my pre-punch fuselage. I expect to be done towards the end of summer. Given that there can be a pretty substantial lead time for some componets, I got to wondering what I should be thinking about ordering.

If I want to do all the fiberglass work at once, then I guess I need the engine to fit the cowling. All the firewall foreward stuff obviously requires the engine. The canopy and all the rest of the fiberglass, except for the cowling, could probably be done at any time. The panel could be done at any time, except for those components that are connected to the engine.

So, here I am scratching my head and trying to decide the best order. Any suggestions? This is a circular puzzler/argument. :confused:


Michael Wynn
RV 8 Fuselage
San Ramon, CA
Michael, I am on roughly the same schedule. I am planning on ordering my wiring and avionics stuff this summer.

I am choosing to wait on the engine because the thought of internal rust scares me!

Besides, wiring the fuse is easier done with the gear and wings off. The costly avionics can be wired and when the time comes, just slide the unit into place!

My $0.02...

:) CJ
Just in time

Use the business model JUST IN TIME.

Its one thing to not have something when you need it, but to have say an engine sitting around for years or avionics that become obsolete is not good either.

I would build the tail, fuselage and wings and even start the finish kit, say get the canopy fitted first before buying any thing major. By all means leave some wing skin or the fwd fuselage deck off for access, but get as much done on the structure before buying anything. Sure buy wire and tubes to route.
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