
Well Known Member
I hope that this threat doesn't get closed as the others have. [ed. It shouldn't...and that other thread was re-opened...shouldn't have been closed. I've talked to the mod. v/r,dr]

I am frustrated and concerned about the recent news from Van's regarding kit pricing / lead times for -3, -4, and -6 kits. Like others have posted today in other threads, I was surprised by the news and don't feel as if <60 days is adequate lead time. As much as I feel like venting, that is not why I am writing... I am looking for information / guidance.

It has been my dream for 25+ years to build and fly an RV. I initially wanted a -6, then a -7 after it replaced the -6. Never had the time or money. I still can't afford a kit at current prices.

Nevertheless, I am building an RV-6. I purchased a kit (wings, tail, fuselage) at a fire-sale price. Got a "right place at the right time" deal on an engine.

Tail - done. Wings 75% done. Fuselage in crate. I am realistically over a year away from needing the finishing kit. Have been saving my pennies for the eventual purchase. At my current saving rate, I expected to have the money about the time I needed the finishing kit.

I have managed to this point to borrow no money and pay for everything as I go, but have not saved enough for the finishing kit.

So I see my options as:
1) borrow money and buy finishing kit now.
2) buy nothing now and hope for the best later.
3) try to figure out what finishing kit parts are unique to the -6 and buy them now, knowing that the -7 parts will be available.
4) sell / scrap the project, sell my tools.

I would appreciate any thoughts on the matter, especially guidance about the parts unique to the RV-6.

I would hope that this discussion is allowed.
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The only things in the finishing kit that might be different are the weldments and gear legs, i.e. canopy frame and roll bar (if slider), main gear mounts (if a -6A) and engine mount and attached gear legs. The -6A gear mounts will definitely be unique because the -6 wing carry though they attach to is drastically different. I suspect the others might be usable. But if not, weldments should be pretty easy to get produced as a one-off.

You also don't need to buy the whole finishing kit at once. Check for people with extra parts. I found an engine mount and gear legs for my -6 from a guy that had ordered the Dynafocal mount but wound up with a conical mount engine. Since the gear legs are drilled to the mount he had to sell off the whole shebang and I saved a bunch.

As you know the -6 plans leave a lot to the imagination for the FWF. So I used the -7 FWF plans this time around. That put an Odyssey-type battery on the firewall and showed locations for all the firewall penetrations and mounted equipment. That simplified a lot, saved guess work and allowed using the same control lengths and mounting as the -7.

If you're contemplating switching your canopy type from tip-up to slider or vice versa, now would be the time to get the changeover parts. You might also find those parts from someone that went the opposite way. My kit was a tip-up when I bought it and I switched to a slider. I've still got the tip-up parts on the shelf.
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So I see my options as:
1) borrow money and buy finishing kit now.
2) buy nothing now and hope for the best later.

Options #1 and #2 should be viable for a long time. No need to panic, continue building your RV-6, you will be able to find parts either from Vans or other sources.
I offer you option # 5
(actually I offer it as a suggestion to anyone with concerns).

Pick-up the phone and dial Van's.

Ask to talk to Mitch (new president)

Tell him your concerns and ask him what your options are (this will likely get you a lot more reliable info than you could ever get here in the forums).
3) try to figure out what finishing kit parts are unique to the -6 and buy them now, knowing that the -7 parts will be available.

I say build on!
My 1989 RV6 kit was finished last year using the RV7 slider finishing kit....engine mount, gear legs, and all. Worked great!
Absolutely build on, I am building a six, I ordered the fuselage kit two years ago and they sent me the -6 and -7 FWF plans. I do not even look a the FWF -6 plans anymore. As long as they kept supporting the -7, which I think is a certain, you can finish your plane. If you are really concerned, buy the canopy, canopy frame, gear legs, and engine mount now. I think think that is about half the finishing kit, everything else can be sourced separately, (brakes etc....)
I offer you option # 5
(actually I offer it as a suggestion to anyone with concerns).

Pick-up the phone and dial Van's.

Ask to talk to Mitch (new president)

Tell him your concerns and ask him what your options are (this will likely get you a lot more reliable info than you could ever get here in the forums).

This would be my first thought. I started my 6 as slow build. After I completed my wings I wanted to go QB fuselage. There was no formal process to do this at the time. Vans worked with me and we made it happen.
Call Mitch, go over your options, and make a plan.