
Well Known Member
A bit of a pat on the back moment for me...

Well happy to report that I have completed Ground School and wrote my PPL written exam, so I finally have time to get back on the build.

But more importantly August 28, 2017 marks my first solo!!! :D Its strange how quickly things fall into place for a student pilot. I was feeling so out of place on landings not long ago, then all of a sudden things click. Next thing you know your all alone in the plane with so much elbow room and your knocking out circuits all by yourself!! Sad that the first solo is over so soon....Looking forward to all the future solos :D:D

Congrats Garet! I too am close to doing the solo thing. Might fly better without the instructor sitting next to me :eek:.
Great accomplishment!
good job!

Great job! I still can clearly recall my solo. I have my ripped and signed T-shirt hanging in my hangar office. Keep it up!
Thanks All

Bret...I've been in an RV7a for a total of about 2 hours flight time. Never had the chance to take-off or land but was able to take controls for a bit. It was an incredible experience! Most important was that I fit in it. Im 6'-2" and I started the build before I figure out I could fit. Haha
Congratulation on your first solo.
I am living in Calgary, I would like to come and visit to see your project one day if you don't mind.