I found these procedures on how to swing a compass several years ago which possibly might work for you :) Rosie
Roy Samuelson said:
Where can I find procedures to swing a Precision Vertical Card Compass.
Precision Compass? Isn't that a contradiction?? ;) I can joke about it since I have one in my panel too.

Hello Sir... here you go.
AC-43.13-1B CHG1 pg 12-13 and 14
ref is made to CFR 14,23.1327, 14 CFR 23.1547 and the equipment or aircraft manuf.. manual... and... use a brass screwdriver to adjust the compass. And for tailwheel aircraft the tail needs to be placed on a "dolly" to simulate a straight and level flight attitude... although... if you cannot find a "dolly" the FAR's allow for your very best friend to place the aircraft tailwheel on their back to simulate a sawhorse :D
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