
Well Known Member
Hi all,

My brother is starting to have some mobility issues and will need an electric wheelchair soon. He does have use of both hands, but the left side is getting quite weak.

The house he lives in is an older model and has some unique tight hallways and limited space to maneuver so we're looking for something small, nimble, lightweight and fold-able. Bonus points if it fits in an RV-6 slider.

My father (who quit flying our RV 6 solo at 93 yrs young) says he remembers seeing an ad in an aviation magazine for a wheelchair that was designed with the GA fleet in mind, but he can't find it now.

I can't be the first one looking for something like this, so does anybody have any leads or recommendations for a small, lightweight, fold-able electric wheelchair? Price is less of a concern than functionality.

Thanks in advance,

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I saw that and it looks very interesting. It's on the top of my list right now.

Keep'em coming!

I’d still be hesitant to fly him in your RV. My older brother has for years wanted me to take him flying and I’ve refused because I’m afraid his mobility issues will cause significant difficulties getting him in and out of the aircraft.

He’s had shoulder replacement surgery several times on one shoulder (infection issues) and has absolutely no strength on that side. He’s also unstable on his feet and I’m concerned he’d either damage the aircraft or himself trying to get in and out.

Sometimes you just have to say “no.”
I have a foldable compact wheel chair I bought for my mom. Its made to go into the overhead compartment of commercial airliner. Has a sixteen mile range on two batteries and weighs 46 pounds. PM me if interested
Tanker 75
Thanks for your opinion on flying with my family (and even without even knowing my brother’s abilities) but I was really looking for opinions on wheelchairs.

If you have an opinion on that please let me know.


I’d still be hesitant to fly him in your RV. My older brother has for years wanted me to take him flying and I’ve refused because I’m afraid his mobility issues will cause significant difficulties getting him in and out of the aircraft.


Sometimes you just have to say “no.”