Scott Will

Well Known Member
Long time...

Just wondering. Anyone ever do a Commercial Single-Engine add-on rating in an RV? If so, how was it?

Got my Commercial Multi-Engine in the Seminole about 2 weeks ago. From what I read and talking to a flight school, you don't have to do it in a complex (since that's already done in the initial). You just have to do the maneuvers specific to single engine. I got a quote from a flight school and I was like "I could fly my RV for 20 hrs for what you're charging for the add-on rating in a C-172" (and have a lot more fun doing it).
I just checked into the same thing yesterday. I was told by 3 different CFIs that the comm/single add-on could be done in a 152 or even a light sport, so I don't see why you couldn't use your RV.
Long time...

Just wondering. Anyone ever do a Commercial Single-Engine add-on rating in an RV? If so, how was it?

Got my Commercial Multi-Engine in the Seminole about 2 weeks ago. From what I read and talking to a flight school, you don't have to do it in a complex (since that's already done in the initial). You just have to do the maneuvers specific to single engine. I got a quote from a flight school and I was like "I could fly my RV for 20 hrs for what you're charging for the add-on rating in a C-172" (and have a lot more fun doing it).
One of our skypark residents just completed her commercial single engine rating using her boyfriend's Glasair I and her own RV-6A, no problems :D Rosie
You shouldn't have any problem adding the single-commercial to your existing CMEL rating using your RV. At the flight school I used to work at the only complex plane we had was a late model Cessna 310R, so all of our students did the same thing you're thinking of (multi-commercial first, and then add on a single commercial with a Cessna 172).

So get out there and start practicing your maneuvers...chandelles, lazy eights, steep spirals, eights on pylons, and a power off 180 degree accuarcy landings and you're all set!

Good luck! :D

I did my Commercial/Multi checkride, including all required maneuvers in an Aztec, landed, hopped in a Cherokee, and (literally) took it around the patch for one landing and received the Commercial/multi/single.