
Well Known Member
Comment for Bob Axsom on the speed mods


I was looking at your progress on the baffling mods. I know you wanted to get the gaps sealed around the starter, etc. They make a gray fiber material just for that...A felt, yeah, a felt. You can get it from Spruce, it's pretty easy to work with, doesn't have to be perfectly cut and is rivetted on just like the rubber seals. It's very plyable and should make those curves with little interference.

Hope this helps...
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I looked it up after your original post and found only one "felt" listed. Your second post assured me that I was looking at the right material. I have used the rubber quite a bit and I know its properties to a user's level at least but I have no knowledge of the felt's properties in this type of application. Intuitively, I can see possible advantages in its application to some of my sealing requirements but I would like to get some application experience information if possible. Has anyone used this material for this type of application ("personal experience" or "know about" inputs would be appreciated)? Up around the alternator and starter this seems to have good possibilities. Around the carb heat pickup tube my concern would be heat. Around the carburetor there is some concern about cleanliness over time (think oil). And in all cases there is the material durability during operations and maintenance question. I have some time I believe because I will not get the rubber baffle penetration seals on before I fly to Memphis Tomorrow or Wednesday and I would hate to pass up a good idea because of my lack of personal experience.

Bob Axsom
Great Info

Thanks John, I feel like the two of you guys have opened the door of knowledge ever so slightly and the bright light is shinning through. I will do some experimenting with this.


Bob Axsom