
Well Known Member
I haven't flown much in several years and all of that was very local in Montana. But tomorrow I'm hopefully going to be crossing the country in my new old RV.

Yes We are buying back Aurora. I will be leaving Simpsonville SC (KLUX) to 97MT with stops at various places in between(1680nm). Won't get an early start so won't make it in 1 day. low tome VFR pilot.

Not sure of my timing or exact path yet. Weather and wind will play a factor so I am looking for easy in/out quick stops between Bowling Green, KY, St Louis and Rapid city.

Hope about some input:
1. multiple runways(cross winds are not a rusty pilots friend)
2. courtesy car if I get stuck or need overnight place...maybe hangar even
3. easy morning departure on saturday (no fog)

Thanks everybody
Great to hear your baby is coming back home. I can not help with your question. Did you build an airstrip to go with the ranch?
We built our retirement loghome on a airpark called Cabin Creek Landing 98MT. I?d post a picture but Photobucket has failed me.
You need to change your signature to "Sold and bought back!"

Are you going to be in town tonight?
Brian, this is the best news I have heard in some time. I am so happy for you and your family that you have been able to get your plane back and back on course after the hickup you guys had. Great news.
Litchfield, MN


If you end up shifting your route North due to Wx in SD, I have hangar space in Litchfield, MN (KLJF). The forecast here is good with light wind all day tomorrow. We also have a spare bed and my wife is a pretty good cook. :)

KMVN probably good kbwg to kstl.

I scan for crossing runways, the services ticks at 12/3/6/9 o'clock and touching or in the yellow built up area on sectionals, near highways- best shot quick look at easy stopovers.
Congrats,..glad to hear about the buy back

As for places to stop between Bowling Green and St. Louis...
- MVN has been mentioned,...I planned to stop there one time,.. but a thunderstorm arrived and parked first...
Other places
- MWA - fairly quiet,.. two runways ( did not confirm both available) friendly FBO with courtesy car and food not far down the road - Hotels also close
- CGI - Cape Girardeau - a Bit south,.. but restaurant is on field only a few steps from FBO to terminal - hotels within several miles
Thanks for the tips everyone. I?m Enroute and out of service until later today. But keep them coming.

It?s been an emotional experience to come full circle. Never thought we?d sell Kris?s health was first choice. She is doing fantastic, but never really thought we?d ever have Aurora again. Tada...Rob mentioned it for sale and still thought no way. Now here I am going to saddle up again. Pinch me.
Congratulations on Getting Your Plane Back


I heard mine is coming up for sale soon...
C75 is on your way . . .

I did not look at your route closely. C75 is near your great circle route, I can have lunch, a car, and room if needed. Maybe a hangar, I'll check if you get this way. It is only 526 mn (32%) of your journey, so probably not an overnight, maybe a brunch/fuel stop. It would be a great pleasure to meet you in person.

Let me know if I can be of service.

Bill Lane
309 573 53 six eight
As for places to stop between Bowling Green and St. Louis...
- MVN has been mentioned,...I planned to stop there one time,.. but a thunderstorm arrived and parked first...
Other places
- MWA - fairly quiet,.. two runways ( did not confirm both available) friendly FBO with courtesy car and food not far down the road - Hotels also close
- CGI - Cape Girardeau - a Bit south,.. but restaurant is on field only a few steps from FBO to terminal - hotels within several miles

If you?re thinking Cape Giardeau you might consider KSIK, Sikeston, MO. Only one runway but there?s a restaurant that will pick you up at the airport. Lambert?s, the home of the throwed roll, is a restaurant not to be missed. They?ll even bring you into the restaurant through the kitchen so no wait. But you have to be hungry or prepared to take some food with you when you leave. Excellent food, large portions, great price and an experience you?ll talk about for a long time. You call them from the airport when you land. They send a van. Just minutes away
Thanks again. It?s nice to input to help guide me. Not sure what time I?ll be heading out today. But from last night and this mornings weather outlook, I?ll be edging north a bit. So..
Klux-kbyg- kdvn... then evaluate weather and how I feel. get pointed to Yankton SD for the night.

Big day for me and Aurora.
Thanks again. It?s nice to input to help guide me. Not sure what time I?ll be heading out today. But from last night and this mornings weather outlook, I?ll be edging north a bit. So..
Klux-kbyg- kdvn... then evaluate weather and how I feel. get pointed to Yankton SD for the night.

Big day for me and Aurora.

Wave when you pass Peoria, my house is right under your flight path. Halfway between Peoria KPIA and Lacon, (C75). Look for the horseshoe shaped lake off your right wing, along the railroad tracks.

Have a safe flight home.
Just saw this note. I crossed Peoria at 6500’ and 174kts this afternoon and almost instantly got slammed into the canopy. Not much warning but it got rough for about 20 miles. Up and down 1-2000fpm. I pulled the power back and pulled the nose up to kill my forward speed. Wasn’t to bad at 135. Short bit later I decided KMLI would have good food good shower and comfy bed.
Late start so only did 600 miles in the heat and bumps. Tomorrow dawns a new day, we’ll get s better start and should make it home 1100 miles away.

FYI... it’s like riding a bike, RVs will treat even rusty pilots fairly. Made some of my best landings ever and last time I flew Aurora was February 2017. Keep pounding those rivets.

Also Rob T was the perfect buyer back then and meticulous owner/caregiver, but also a good friend to give me the chance to have the RV grin again
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I am SOOOOO glad to be reading that a) Kris' health is better and b) you're getting your pride and joy back!!!!! This might be the best post I've read in months.

What great news!!!!!

Congratulations and have a good trip back home.


Thanks for the tips everyone. I?m Enroute and out of service until later today. But keep them coming.

It?s been an emotional experience to come full circle. Never thought we?d sell Kris?s health was first choice. She is doing fantastic, but never really thought we?d ever have Aurora again. Tada...Rob mentioned it for sale and still thought no way. Now here I am going to saddle up again. Pinch me.
Just saw this note. I crossed Peoria at 6500? and 174kts this afternoon and almost instantly got slammed into the canopy. Not much warning but it got rough for about 20 miles. Up and down 1-2000fpm. I pulled the power back and pulled the nose up to kill my forward speed. Wasn?t to bad at 135. Short bit later I decided KMLI would have good food good shower and comfy bed.
Late start do only did 600 miles in the heat and bumps. Tomorrow dawns a new day, we?ll get s better start and should make it home 1100 moles away.

FYI... it?s like riding a bike, RVs will treat even rusty pilots fairly. Made some of my best landings ever and last time I flew Aurora was February 2017. Keep pounding those rivets.

Also Rob T was the perfect buyer back then and meticulous owner/caregiver, but also a good friend to give me the chance to have the RV grin again

I saw your Flightaware track and it was almost over PIA. I think you were flying over right about 4 pm. There was a nasty area building about that time, not a storm but all the winds, glad it was ok for you. I was out mowing and the temp dropped 12 F and the clouds had that nasty dark cotton ball bottom just after your passage. Maybe I can catch you at 97MT in a few weeks on the way to Bellingham.

Hopefully better air for the next 1100.
I too am happily following this thread. Hopeful healing of the spousal unit and the opportunity to care for and fly your RV7 again is priceless.
Made it home last evening. Over 1100nm just yesterday with lots of headwind and weather detours. Scud running, squeezed between layers, climb through holes to get on top and plenty of heat and chop the whole day.

But Aurora performed great. It felt like I never stopped flying her all this time.

Life is good.
I may make another follow up and a few pics....if I can figure out the hosting situation. I?ll probably be a regular again.
Brian, Great news buddy, if I had been around would have given you a place to stay but was up in Ohio with Anita. Our Dazzle flew great

Like always. You give Kris a big hug and enjoy Aurora again in your new home

Glad the trip went well
Say again when in Atlanta actually in Jasper. We have cheap fuel and ya?ll have a place to stay


WOW, Brian... I just came across this thread and I am just thrilled to hear this!! What fabulous news! I have thought of you often, and wondered how your lovely wife was doing. Such good news, on all fronts. Welcome home! I'm sharing this story with my wife, she will love it too!


P.S. Quick update on my work, in case you're wondering... we weighed the 7A for empty weight. Came in at 1072 lbs! And just a few days ago we had the first engine start!