Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Paul Dye and I plan to have lunch at the Barnstormers Caf? (L35) next Sunday (September 23rd) and invite RVers to join us. Target time is 11:30 am on the ramp. Paul plans to fly his RV-8 (?Valkyrie?) into Big Bear. As it is his birthday, we will also invite folks over to my family cabin (2 blocks away) for some celebratory cake and ice cream following the meal.

In order to attempt to secure the right amount of seating, please drop me a PM if you plan to make it up. (Of course, we understand about weather and other such issues.) Best to let me know by the end of the day on Thursday, if practical.

We'll have our California-cool shades on!
OK, for all you SOCAL guys, if the TFR isn't lifted by Thursday, I'll need an alternate as close as possible to Big Bear....Looks like Redlands or Apple Valley (although Apple Valley is in the wrong direction for where we're going on Friday and Saturday....).

Any Intel on Redlands as a place to tie down?

I flew out of Redlands up to around 2.5 years ago. It's got all the basics for fuel and tie down space?? If I remember correctly there was a meeting room open to the public near the flight school. Enough space for 20 people to mill around I'd guess. Definitely call them for more specifics as to your needs.

Happy B-day:D
As far as the town:

go down town to "Cuca's" for the mexican- get the carne burrito and try both the red and green salsas

LaBasil for the thai/viet fusion- have to try the beef wrapped in grape leaves

Martha Greens bakery/retaurant- the "Sinful French Toast" is a don't miss but will shift the w/b calcs if you know what I mean. Split it with someone else who gets the omlet or whatever as it's so rich that a full serving is almost too much.

Even if Big Bear works out these recommendations are strongly encouraged since you're in the area. If a crew car is available they're all within ~10 minutes from the field.
Redlands doesn't have easily accessible food that I know of. The prospect of 20+ folks having to find transpo into town, well, sounds like a pain.

APV is ok, but a little small.

If the TFR isn't lifted, you might consider F70 (French Valley). Slow service but decent food and plenty of space (both ramp & seating).
Thanks for the feedback guys! Sounds like it's an acceptable place to park - Louise is flying commercial into the area, and if I can't get into L35, I'm just looking for the easiest place to leave the plane and have her pick me up on the way to the cabin.

I'll leave the party planning to her!;)
Louise is flying commercial into the area, and if I can't get into L35, I'm just looking for the easiest place to leave the plane and have her pick me up on the way to the cabin.

I'll leave the party planning to her!;)

I'm planning on the TRF being lifted by Sunday!:cool:
If you plan on driving up the mountain after parking, Redlands is ideal as it's right at the base of the 2 primary routes up the mountain. They did have a problem with avionics theft about 3 years ago FYI.
TFR lifted

Looks like the TRF has shrunk and no longer includes L35 (Big Bear airport). Let's hope the fire doesn't flare up again (and, of course, check yourself before flying up there).

We hope to see lots of friends there about 11:30 am on Sunday. (A formation flight is rumored to be planning a dramatic entrance between 11 and 11:30, so you might want to arrive early. More information later.)
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Looking good for Sunday

The fire is 93% contained as of 6 hours ago. All evacuation orders are lifted. Only the north shore drive from the dam to The Discovery Center is closed to through traffic (and you can by-pass that section by driving on the south shore). The airport is open. The current Sunday forecast is mostly sunny with a high of 63F.

Gary Sobek (Condor) is planning on leading a few formation passes over the airport between 11 and 11:30, so we hope it will be a chance to see the So Cal wing at work.

We look forward to seeing our friends there. I'll try to ensure table space at the Barnstormer's Cafe for those who let me know they are coming. Paul and I are headed to Big Bear today, but I'll be checking this site and P.M.s occasionally.
Well, considering I cant make it to the event, I just have to wish Paul a happy birthday via VAF.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, & many more to come.
We're here

Paul and I are in SoCal, although down The Hill tonight. We checked at the restaurant and with the FBO this morning and they are expecting about 9 planes and 25 people based on who has replied and what I know.

Please note that the temporary tower is still up as of this evening so procedures are a little different than normal at L35. Check the NOTAMS on Sunday morning. Paul reports that they were very easy to work with yesterday and most of the fire fighting equipment has left.

We hope to see lots of friends, and meet new ones, on Sunday about 11 am.
Thanks to All!

Wow! How many guys get a 30 minute air show for their birthday?! I just got back to Texas after a nice 7 hours of VFR flying today - Big Bear to Houston with two fuel stops (although I could have two-hopped it if I didn't try to hit cheap fuel prices...), cruising mostly at 13.5K and getting great mileage.

Once of the neat things about the cabin up at Big Bear is the lack of any real internet access, so this is my first time back on line (I hardly call a Blackberry Browser an on line experience...more of an emergency connection!), and I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who came up for the flying, lunch, and cake - it was wonderful to meet folks who I only knew by name and their posts here on the forum, and to enjoy the beautiful weather and aviation camaraderie. I'm sure we'll get some pictures posted, but I've got a few days of catching up to do, and Louise is still int he air (SWA, not RV), proving once again the utility of our airplanes...although to be fair, I'd still be flying the Val for a few more hours if I was trying top get all the way to Virginia!

I really enjoyed the flyby's ...... as well as my brand new tach cover!:rolleyes: Hope to see a bunch more folks at LOE in ten days or so.

Oh yeah, as I shut down the Val tonight, the hour meter on the EFIS stopped at 600.0...not bad for two week shy of two years of flying.
