
Well Known Member
I'm planning on using one of the simple cooper strip antenna the instructions say to basically stick it on the wind screen. I have an RV3 just sticking it to the windshield just doesn?t get it its going to be very visible and very much in the way any suggestion?
dustman said:
I'm planning on using one of the simple cooper strip antenna the instructions say to basically stick it on the wind screen. I have an RV3 just sticking it to the windshield just doesn?t get it its going to be very visible and very much in the way any suggestion?

Dont. Put a whip on belly.
I agree with Mike - for your #1 (or only) Comm, put on a good, solid-performing whip. For secondaries, you can go with something a little less robust (I am using a wingtip antenna for my #2, and it has limited range, but only use it for formation, ATIS, or in the vicinity of airports).