
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

I will be requiring a second Com Antenna with my new GPS/COM/Nav radio I just purchased and I'll like to know if any of you have used the Delta Pop Com antenna and what is your experience with them, good or bad??

I'm already using a couple of his ADS-B/Transponder antennas and like them..

Thank you for your feedback

[email protected]
Installed the Delta-Pop red-tip COM antenna on my -7A in 2016. Highly recommend.

Thanks Raymo

I've got one on the way from DeltaPop..


Thanks Raymo

I've got one on the way from DeltaPop..



Good choice. Mine have performed flawlessly for 7 years.

A few years ago at Oshkosh, I was sitting next to my plane in HBC enjoying an afternoon rest when I saw a guy milling about amongst the RVs, looking high and low on each plane as he went down the row. He stopped to talk to me, saying he recognized the antennas. The gentleman's name was Don Pansier, owner and creator of Delta Pop antennas. He couldn't have been a nicer guy.

It's always nice to do business with the community, especially when their products work as well as his.
DP Com Antenna

I have the bent one on the belly of my 8. It works great. I'd buy it again if I ever needed to.



You're right about Don Pansier being a first class gentleman..

I already had a few of his antenna (TXPR,ADS-B) and my mind was 99.999% already set on buying his Com Antenna but I wanted some feedbacks on how it performed in the field.The results were what I thought from the get go..

Another class act from Don: On my recent purchase, Don refunded me a good part of the shipping cost because he was able to ship it for less, Zoom..that was it.....Got an e-mail from Paypal & Don telling me why I got the refund..:D You don't see that from big corporation these days..
