
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

I'm in the process of upgrading the Com Antenna on my RV-4 and was wondering if you guys knew of any good antenna you will recommend.

I'm aware of the Delta Pop antenna ( I have a few on my -4 ) but the Com one appears to be a little on the weak side...any comments on that one??


[email protected]
Electrically, there is close to zero difference in any of the standard straight or bent whip antennas. As such, performace will be identical no matter which one you select.

Base your decision on type of mount, quality of mount, etc. Not on ?one worked better than another? anecdotal information. Any performace difference will most likely be traced to bad connectors, bad coax, bad or poorly configured radio.

Now a wingtip comm antenna is a different animal. For those some careful design is needed for them to work well enough for our needs (I have posted on this in the past).

ELT antenna for comm radio

In my RV 10 the ELT antenna is mounted in the baggage compartment with the base at the top longeron and extending upwards in the fiberglass top. For length, it bends toward the center of the roof with about 1/2 of it mostly vertical.

I am adding a #2 comm radio and am thinking this type of antenna install might work since most of what I use it for is receive.

Anyone tried an ELT antenna for comm? Should be close as 121.5 is in the comm band.

I am adding a #2 comm radio and am thinking this type of antenna install might work since most of what I use it for is receive. ....SNIP

Sorry, that is not how antennas work.

The same elements that make a good transmit antenna make a good receiving antenna. If you want to pump a couple of kilowatts though it there are of course other consideration. For our minuscule 10 or 20 watts, there are none.

As far as using an ELT antenna for comm that will work assuming you are talking about the older 121.5 only ELT antennas.

Sorry, that is not how antennas work.

The same elements that make a good transmit antenna make a good receiving antenna. If you want to pump a couple of kilowatts though it there are of course other consideration. For our minuscule 10 or 20 watts, there are none.

As far as using an ELT antenna for comm that will work assuming you are talking about the older 121.5 only ELT antennas.



Please help me understand how a the new ELT?s broadcast on 121.5 also ?

Ok I tried it

I tried the ELT antenna in the baggage area for com 2. Receive Works at about 85% as well as com 1 to the front, seems a little weak to stations behind me. Transmitter was reported 5 x 5 by ATC 40 miles in front. Have not tried behind. Think it is due to ground plane efficiency.
