
Well Known Member
After a hiatus of far too long, I'm back to drilling holes and pounding rivets. Is there an active builders or fliers group in Colorado? We had a pretty active crowd in Orlando so I thought I would check to see if there is such a thing here.


Just kidding. I thought about forming a statewide group; but I'm sure there is an active group of RV builders in the Denver area.
After a hiatus of far too long, I'm back to drilling holes and pounding rivets. Is there an active builders or fliers group in Colorado? We had a pretty active crowd in Orlando so I thought I would check to see if there is such a thing here.


What burb are you in? I am just north of Denver,I don't know of a builders club but I am aware of a few local builds going on.

What burb are you in? I am just north of Denver,I don't know of a builders club but I am aware of a few local builds going on.


I'm just north of Parker near 470 and Smoky Hill.

Van's website shows a group called Rocky Mountain RVators with a Doug Bloomberg listed as contact, but the phone number is wrong. In Orlando we used to get together once in a while at someone's project and make fun of...I mean advise them on the proper way to build an airplane. It often involved a beer or two and some sort of grilled meat on a bun was typically involved. Or the gathering was at an airport where those who appreciate free fuel would take those in need of motivation up in the air.....followed by more grilled meat and a beer at a local restaurant.


There are several builders and RV flyers in the Denver area. EAA Chapter 301, which meets right near where you live (Parker) is a good way to meet a bunch of them. I know several people who hangara out at Front Range airport and have hangar movie nights and BBQs every so often. There is a Yahoo group that works kind of like the Matronics message board (only through email) for several of the front range folks to plan said events. You are in good company here...
New social group...

There's also a relatively new group forming, I've been asked a couple times to join but haven't yet (probably when kids are bigger). I know a couple of the guys in it, nice and have very nice planes (not all experimentals). They held a warbird and hot rod show recently at Centennial.


There are several builders and RV flyers in the Denver area. EAA Chapter 301, which meets right near where you live (Parker) is a good way to meet a bunch of them. I know several people who hangara out at Front Range airport and have hangar movie nights and BBQs every so often. There is a Yahoo group that works kind of like the Matronics message board (only through email) for several of the front range folks to plan said events. You are in good company here...

Thanks Mike, I'll head over to their June meeting to say hello. I'm a member of a yahoo group called ColoradoRV but there isn't much traffic on it. I think the last post was in 2010. I'll admit that EAA had not crossed my mind in a while..but I'll remedy that.

Next time you hear about one of those Front Range Hangar gatherings....give a shout out please. :)

Dwight, I'll look into that one as well.
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Thanks Mike, I'll head over to their June meeting to say hello. I'm a member of a yahoo group called ColoradoRV but there isn't much traffic on it. I think the last post was in 2010. I'll admit that EAA had not crossed my mind in a while..but I'll remedy that.

Next time you hear about one of those Front Range Hangar gatherings....give a shout out please. :)

Welcome Bill! my opinion, there are no RV-specific active builder groups in the Denver area that I am aware of. The EAA 301 group is fine, and I am a member, but its certainly not an "RV group". I have been contemplating starting a group...but really am just too busy right now with building and other stuff to do it. Once my plane is flying in about a year, I will revisit this if someone hasnt beat me to it by then.

With all that being said, we do have informal stuff from time to time, that I can keep you abreast of...send me a PM if you're interested.
Yahoo Group?

I heard once that there was a yahoo group of Colorado RV'ers but did not catch the contact info. Anybody know if that is true and whether they are active?

Yes, there is. I am also one of the moderators for this site. I'd like to see it grow and become more active so all new members are appreciated...the link is also listed on my blog site for reference.

By the way, the "Colorado RVators" group listed on Van's no longer exists.

I cant spearhead the effort because of time contstraints, but if there is enough interest, I would be more than happy to help getting a group started.
Yes, there is. I am also one of the moderators for this site. I'd like to see it grow and become more active so all new members are appreciated...the link is also listed on my blog site for reference.

By the way, the "Colorado RVators" group listed on Van's no longer exists.

I cant spearhead the effort because of time contstraints, but if there is enough interest, I would be more than happy to help getting a group started.


Totally agree that something like that would be a good thing. as you know, I've been busy building too and also with our new baby. It would be good to have another get hangar get together soon. By the way, I really enjoyed your writeup on your aerobatic flight training!
Yes, there is. I am also one of the moderators for this site. I'd like to see it grow and become more active so all new members are appreciated...the link is also listed on my blog site for reference.

By the way, the "Colorado RVators" group listed on Van's no longer exists.

I cant spearhead the effort because of time contstraints, but if there is enough interest, I would be more than happy to help getting a group started.

Are you dead set on Yahoo as the site for this group?
How about a hybrid web site with both forum & email interfaces?
Are you dead set on Yahoo as the site for this group?
How about a hybrid web site with both forum & email interfaces?

Oh no, I was thinking of something much more substantial than the Yahoo group. A full blown website is what I had in mind. Wherein lies the problem...I dont know how to set up a website and dont have the time to learn right now. My plan was to use the very nicely done Tennessee Valley builders group as a model...

Mike, I am planning an "engine hanging party" and bbq for the end of June, much like what I did last hang on!
Oh no, I was thinking of something much more substantial than the Yahoo group. A full blown website is what I had in mind. Wherein lies the problem...I dont know how to set up a website and dont have the time to learn right now. My plan was to use the very nicely done Tennessee Valley builders group as a model...

Mike, I am planning an "engine hanging party" and bbq for the end of June, much like what I did last hang on!
In that case, perhaps we could work together. I have my own small network and have created and hosted web sites. Given that the equipment is my own, costs end up being minimal (just domain name @ $10 per year) and easily absorbed.

I currently maintain & host the users group for MGL Avionics. One unique aspect of that web site is it has a forum that functions both with a web interface and an email interface (for those who wish to use their mobile devices).

If there is enough interest, I could rough something up for people to look at and provide feedback.

In that case, perhaps we could work together. I have my own small network and have created and hosted web sites. Given that the equipment is my own, costs end up being minimal (just domain name @ $10 per year) and easily absorbed.

I currently maintain & host the users group for MGL Avionics. One unique aspect of that web site is it has a forum that functions both with a web interface and an email interface (for those who wish to use their mobile devices).

If there is enough interest, I could rough something up for people to look at and provide feedback.


Ah, you may be my new best friend...I have a local following of about 7-8 active builders and another handful of guys already flying that I see on a regular basis. I have run the idea by most of them and they all seem very interested in the prospect of starting a group, so I think we have that covered. Lets talk.

[email protected]
In that case, perhaps we could work together. I have my own small network and have created and hosted web sites. Given that the equipment is my own, costs end up being minimal (just domain name @ $10 per year) and easily absorbed.

I currently maintain & host the users group for MGL Avionics. One unique aspect of that web site is it has a forum that functions both with a web interface and an email interface (for those who wish to use their mobile devices).

If there is enough interest, I could rough something up for people to look at and provide feedback.


Definitely sounds like a good idea and also a good mesh of talents. I wouldn't mind being a part of that either. I don't have web knowledge, but could surely help with content perhaps. Ron, Looking forward to your engine hanging BBQ. FYI, I will be having a "Tail Party" before long to celebrate the finish of my tail kit. I'll keep you posted on when that will be. It will be determined by whether or not I decide to do my fairings now or later... :D
Definitely sounds like a good idea and also a good mesh of talents. I wouldn't mind being a part of that either. I don't have web knowledge, but could surely help with content perhaps. Ron, Looking forward to your engine hanging BBQ. FYI, I will be having a "Tail Party" before long to celebrate the finish of my tail kit. I'll keep you posted on when that will be. It will be determined by whether or not I decide to do my fairings now or later... :D
Give me a few days & I will rough up something for everyone to look at & provide feedback.

Nice to meet ya -well sort of so far

After a hiatus of far too long, I'm back to drilling holes and pounding rivets. Is there an active builders or fliers group in Colorado? We had a pretty active crowd in Orlando so I thought I would check to see if there is such a thing here.


Funny how we meet our fellow RV enthusiasts around here in the Denver area. I met Ron at a Civil Air Patrol meeting, which led to meeting the others on the Colorado RVList yahoo Group, and several other builders around the Denver/Front Range area. Then VAF just keeps expanding the horizons. The Van's community for building and flying is certainly active here in Denver and in other areas throughout the state.

I guess it's funny to me that this thread is in the "Midwest". Most folks from back east still think that we have to dodge cattle on dirt roads everywhere we go. Always considred myself a bonafied Western person myself.

Anyway, nice to meet another local RVer, and expecially if you are building an 8.
New Best Friend?

And here I thought I was your best friend....

Some comments on a new Colorado RV group:

I started the Colorado RV list just as a local message board for people in the state to share common interests, help, rides, trips, etc. I copied the idea from the So-Cal Yahoo group which has over 700 members and is very active. They always have something going on over there. To be honest, we Coloradans should be able to put together at least 300 RV builders/flyers--problem is there hasn't been a real interest in growing the group.

I'm not at all opposed to a new format, especially if it helps to get more people interested in this great hobby of ours! I'm not a website guru, but would be willing to help out in some way. The Yahoo groups format is free and requires no real effort on anyone's part to maintain.

I'm sure we could transfer the list over to a new format as long as it remains free to the group. Sounds like you're talking about a website/ forums-based local builder/flyers group? How about Webinar meetings at someone's project or hangar just for fun? All right, I'm getting way ahead of myself.

I'm all for a bigger, more active group of Colorado builders and Flyers!

Ah, you may be my new best friend...I have a local following of about 7-8 active builders and another handful of guys already flying that I see on a regular basis. I have run the idea by most of them and they all seem very interested in the prospect of starting a group, so I think we have that covered. Lets talk.

[email protected]
Im in

I like the idea of a Colorado group. I am willing to help and put in a few bucks if needed. I don't get to Denver as much as you guys, but would still like to be part of the group.
New RV10 builder in Kelly AirPark (CO15)

Hello All,

Got Tail Section delivered and built VS now working the Rudder. I wasnt happy with the VS skin attached to I reordered skin and rib. I'm not looking for perfection but everything else is looking good so far.

Hope to see some RVers at the Kelly AP fly-in July 16 2016.


This is a pretty old thread you resurrected, but the information is still pertinent. Lots of builders and RV'rs here in Colorado; some of which may attend the Kelly Airpark Fly In. I've thought about moving there with my family, but it's just a little too far for commuting to work. Once I get my RV-10 built though, I will most certainly try to visit.
Also interested

I live in Eastern Co,(Wray) and would like to be a part of the group. PM me and I can provide email, telephone, whatever.
The only Group..

..that ever came out of this thread is the "RV Builders and Flyers" page on Facebook, where a lot of Coloradoans keep in touch with one another and post pics of their adventures. It's pretty cool, so you should check it out.

There is an e-mail group of builders who share info and act as a sounding board. No dues, no meetings but an incredible resource of talent.
Send me an e-mail or PM to join.
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RV-14 in Denver?

I will be visiting Denver shortly, is anyone there building an RV-14? I would appreciate a chat/look.

I used to follow the Colorado RV Yahoo group but it seems to be dormant .....