
I'm New Here
Hello, been a lurker for a while and figured I?d post a new thread. My name is Jeff. I am looking for an 8 and a builder or owner in Colorado that would be willing to let me pick their brain, talk about the trials and tribulations of the build and maybe, just maybe, even sit in their plane. I am extremely interested in the 8 and I also have a slight interest in the 7 but I look at the 8 and feel that that is what I would absolutely love to build/fly.

I am 35 years old and i am in construction. I do love to build and learn new things. I volunteered at the local fire dept. for 7+ years just for new knowledge and the community. I also have built a few model airplanes and learned to fly them. I mess with old cars and do all my own metal work, body and paint. I do have a family so I also want a 4 place aircraft at some point but since I am underway on my PPL I figured I would rather have hours under my belt before I purchased a family airplane. The Vans product has been of interest to me for well over a decade and I am now at a point in my life I would like to build. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you in advance
Jeff nice to have you here welcome to the greatest hobby on earth! I am sure you find the model you like in your area.

Have you ever thought of buying a flying RV? It makes a lot of sense from financial standpoint. It seems like our little airplanes are holding their values in case you decide moving to a 4 seater.

There are couple very detailed RV weblogs you might want to dive into. In this digital age every builders question is already answered somewhere in the archives. It’s an enormous endeavor to complete the kit to airworthiness stage. I would say it’s not much about building skills but more about discipline and perseverance. Make sure your family is onboard those aviation motors aren’t cheap...
Colorado RVs

I don't have an 8(a) but I do manage a Google Group. Colorado RVs. Send me an e-mail (signature below) from a Google Gmail account if you would like to join. I'm sure one of our group will be happy to accomodate.
RV-8 in RIL


I have an RV-8 in Rifle. This is the second RV that I?ve built and am currently building a -10 at my home in Eagle. I?d be happy to show you my plane and discuss the process. If interested, send me a PM and we can discuss further.


I have an RV-8 in Rifle. This is the second RV that I?ve built and am currently building a -10 at my home in Eagle. I?d be happy to show you my plane and discuss the process. If interested, send me a PM and we can discuss further.


I will PM you. You sound like you took the exact plan I would like to take. Thank you

Jeff nice to have you here welcome to the greatest hobby on earth! I am sure you find the model you like in your area.

Have you ever thought of buying a flying RV? It makes a lot of sense from financial standpoint. It seems like our little airplanes are holding their values in case you decide moving to a 4 seater.

There are couple very detailed RV weblogs you might want to dive into. In this digital age every builders question is already answered somewhere in the archives. It?s an enormous endeavor to complete the kit to airworthiness stage. I would say it?s not much about building skills but more about discipline and perseverance. Make sure your family is onboard those aviation motors aren?t cheap...

I have been looking at already built 8?s and I have kicked that idea around a bunch.

I am very worried about the challenge and astronomical amount of time and money it does take. The most terrifying part for me is the build. There is a place in Colorado Springs that will take a SB kit and take it to quick build or even further if you need help. I did call them and was advised it IS more expensive to have them finish rather than buying one flying. They did said they will take the SB to QB for the same price as Van?s and they are willing to use whatever primer you wish and they are totally ok with you helping with any part you feel comfortable with. That brought a ton of relief to my questioning weather or not to do QB or SB and if I could do it.

I have been researching building one for a long time. I did just sign up here to start asking questions but I finally decided to ask.

I don't have an 8(a) but I do manage a Google Group. Colorado RVs. Send me an e-mail (signature below) from a Google Gmail account if you would like to join. I'm sure one of our group will be happy to accomodate.

I have contemplated PMing you for a while. I will definitely get a Gmail acct.

At our airport we have 2 finished 7?s a tail dragged and a trike. The gentleman with the tail dragged offered up some info and said he was willing to chat and show me the plane. I did join EAA national and the local EAA chapter 1267.

My plan as of now when and if I decide to build is buy a plane tools kit except I will not get a squeezer as I will probably get a Numatx squeezer. When the empennage is ordered I will probably order wings at the same time so as to not run out of things to do too quickly.

Thank you very much for all the info so far

From your replies it sounds like you really want to build rather than buy a flying plane. While building is far more costly in time, money and frustration there is no greater satisfaction than when you have that first flight in the plane that you built!

It is less expensive if you can find a kit someone has started and given up on. It will still be your plane when done with no less satisfaction.

I found my 7 done almost to the quick build stage and completed it in just under 7 years. My original goal was 5 years. I bought a 4 to learn to fly TD while I was building which slowed me down...but what a blast flying!

You certainly have the skills to build your own plane and what you don't have you will learn.

I would suggest researching and bookmarking some build sites (there are awesome ones out there and you already have this one) as the internet is your friend. Also, set a realistic goal for completion. I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is underestimating how much time, discipline and determination it takes to finish your project. Try and do something every day(not always possible but try), no matter how small, and you will have that RV grin before you know it!

Best of luck!
Build it!

Either a QB or old it and you will never regret it! I've done both...QB and SB...both are equally satisfying.