
Well Known Member
Is there a standard to what color we use for the toggle switch color coding? I am asking about the vinyl caps you can slip over a toggle switch.

I don't know that there's any "standard"; but red seems popular for master electrical switch, and aux fuel pump. Something you might need to turn on or off quickly in an emergency.
Blue for the fuel boost pump (fuel is blue), green for NAV lights, white for landing lights, red for master, yellow for aux bus, magenta for avionics………. whatever triggers your memory.
There are some manufacturing conventions, I don't know if they're buried in some FAR or just tradition.

One example is that ice protection switches are traditionally green. That would be pitot heat in this case.

There are others, but I can't remember what they are. Not very important for something as simple as a piston single
I coded mine not by switch function, but by phase of flight.
The landing light, taxi light, and fuel pump have green caps.
The Before Takeoff checklist calls for the above switches to be on, and the After Landing checklist calls for them to be off (unless I need the lights at night).
A quick glance before takeoff should show all three green capped switches in the up (on) position.
I have many hours in Citations and the coding there for toggles was white for all lights, green for de/anti-ice (pitot heat, etc). In my -10, I use red for Master, Alternator and Backup Battery; yellow for Radio Master and Autopilot Cut-off (main electrical supply) switch; white for all my lighting, green for pitot heat; blue for boost pump.
It's what works for me. My toggle labels are located under my switches and unlit, so the color is what I see, not the label. YMMV