David Paule

Well Known Member
I saw this note, stuck in a maintenance notebook for my non-RV, but this might be useful.

Dogs can be trained to watch the sky. Every time they spot a plane, they are rewarded with a milk bone.

I think that a good dog trainer - any here? - might be able to comment or offer training tips.

Since I don't have a dog, I can't comment.

I think a dog can be trained to do almost anything with love and treats. Spotting a plane shouldn't be terribly difficult. Here's the list of our Amelia's (Mia) tricks.
1. Ring a bell to go outside
2. Ring a bell to come inside
3. Ring a dinner bell before meals
4. Shake hands
5. Call daddy for meals. She barks at me when Sweetie tells her to call Daddy
6. Hold a nugget on her nose till told to go. She tosses it up and catches it midair.
7. Spot the UPS and Fed Ex truck. They give her a treat so she's motivated.
8. Catch treats in the air.
9. Stay till given the command to go.
10. Working on "Who Let The Dogs Out" bark. She has almost got it down.

Sadly she has lots of medical issues. Diabetic and blind in her left eye, but she's still the happiest, sweetest dog that's ever claimed me. We take her into Wally and elderly folks just love to pet her. She's with us all the time and hopefully will enjoy flying. I take her almost every where. She loves riding in my lap. We are working on goggle and mutt muff training. Goggles look pretty cool.
Yes, that tongue is always hanging out.


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