
I have had an EIS engine monitor in my RV-6 operating since its initial flight more than four years ago. It has been a very reliable product that has a lot of good features.

I have on a couple of occasions tried to access the digital information available through the RS-232 data lines. I was given a software program by GRT several years ago to do this that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. When it does work, it doesn't work long enough for me to get any useful information.

I have tried using it on a number of different computers of various vintages, and always with about the same lack of success. Is there a simple way to do this in a reliable way? I would like to gather the data to assess engine operation occasionally to analyze leaning, etc, and just because that is part of what experimental aviation is all about.

Jerry Ludwig
data logging.

Look at this link for a data logger I use:

It will record the GRT 4000, as well as GPS and Dynon data if you got them hooked up, but if all you have is the GRT that will still work.

One thing to look at is the serial cable. Do you have a serial port on your laptop or are you using a usb to serial adapter? The latter is often problematic. You might want to try a different make if this one gives you trouble.

Happy recording.

I started using EISMate software and a Palm T2 to record the serial data. The software includes some nice graphics on the T2 but it's really too small of a screen to use while flying so it really is just more of a data logger for me. I pull the SDHC card and transfer the data to my laptop and then analyze the data once I'm home. It's helping me see which cylinder peaks first when leaning and what the effects of baffling changes are. (Come to think of it, many changes are baffling to me!)


The guy who sells the software, Bob, has been very helpful.

I would like to try the "EFISRecorder" that Amit mentions but have not had time to yet.