
Well Known Member
Happy Thanksgivng from the IceBox. Right about 0DegF here in Minne, perfect for flying!

Over St Paul, Ice forming on the Mississippi

Brrrrrrr -17C, but full sun - I was comfortable while flying

Fractal like patterns on the freeze

Closer Up

Sorry folks, Lock and Dam is closed, Moose out front shoulda told ya that!

Snow drifting on the St Croix

Closer up

Ice forming on open water


Hope everyone has a great holiday! Stay Warm!!!!
Beautiful, clear and sharp photos Pete.

Yesterday I relocated the Swift, N78314 from Michigan to Florida. 8.2 hours. The first 2.5 hr leg to Columbus, Indiana was under 2500 ft stratus at 22 deg OAT. I was approaching hypothermia by the time I landed.:eek: Our RV7 is going to have a better cabin heat system than the Swift!!!
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Brrr this IS cold! How do you guys survive that? Even Siberia is warmer :D


It was nice and shiny in NJ I was even thinking of going over Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade :D

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Very "cool" shots Pete!

Lake Tahoe was clea rof ice, clear skies, 60 degrees today. enough snow to make it festive up high....I kind of like it out here!
Grass is always greener on the other side

Great pics from the homeland, Pete. Today, I'd have give anything to be in your cockpit. 90 degrees at the hangar, 85 at the house, no A/C (within a couple miles from the coast) turkey in the oven and house full of people. Hot in November just ain't any fun.:(