
Well Known Member
Met a true American hero today. Col. Joe Kittinger- Aviator Extraordinaire, High Altitude Balloonist, Test Pilot. Vietnam War vet. Spent 11 months as a POW in the famous Hanoi Hilton. Joe has over 16,800 hrs of flying on over 96 different airplanes. He crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a balloon and never got his dream to fly around the world in one. Once flew from Orlando to Rodeshia in a Cessna 180 :) His high altitude balloon took him to 102,000+ feet high and it was a record that he kept for 52 years! He is an inspiration and believes that all of us in the community have an obligation to inspire the younger generation to fly. Fabulous personality and Orlando's own. We are proud of Joe. I am glad I met him.

His fame is world wide.
I vividly recall seeing a movie in the early 60's that was based on his Project Excelsior balloon jump.
A remarkable man.

I was a young 2Lt at Holloman Air Development Center in '57/58. Joe Kittenger was known on the base as "Bailout Joe". I never got to meet him but it has been interesting to follow his career over the years. Manny, you were in the presence of greatness.
Col. Kittinger's Book

in my hanging out around parachute manufacturers I have had the opportunity to meet Col Kittinger a couple of times. In my opinion, one of our Nations larger than life heroes and a real gentleman.

Consider that his work at Holloman AFB with Col Stapp probably did more to insure the survilablity of aircrews that had to eject (bailout) than was ever publicized. His work with Felix Baumgartner and the Redbull team in preparation and execution was very likely invaluable to their success.

If you want to read a very good autobiography of his life up the last few years pick up a copy of his book "Come Up and Get Me". You will be rewarded with a pretty good story, some insight into the world of military flight test in the 40's and 50's and perhaps what is a credible explanation of the incident involving strange looking creatues at Roswell, NM.

Come Up and Get Me
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press; 1 edition (May 4, 2011)

Yes, he is a gentleman. What a nice person and how inspirational. I know about his book and will buy it. I've been in Orlando for 42 years and heard about him all my life. It was an honor to meet him and hear the story of his amazing career. Everything he did was for a higher cause. He did not believe in the glory of world records -but got it anyway. He was dedicated to figuring out if man could survive re-entry from space before the space program even started. His research proved that it could be done. Joe says that the F-4 Phantom mockup that is at the Orlando Executive Airport to honor him was really his dream for a monument to the Vietnam Vets honoring them and to welcome them home- a welcome they never had.

Yes, he is a gentleman. What a nice person and how inspirational. I know about his book and will buy it. I've been in Orlando for 42 years and heard about him all my life. It was an honor to meet him and hear the story of his amazing career. Everything he did was for a higher cause. He did not believe in the glory of world records -but got it anyway. He was dedicated to figuring out if man could survive re-entry from space before the space program even started. His research proved that it could be done. Joe says that the F-4 Phantom mockup that is at the Orlando Executive Airport to honor him was really his dream for a monument to the Vietnam Vets honoring them and to welcome them home- a welcome they never had.

When my Squadron returned from Iraq in 2004 I asked our powers that be if we could take 4 F16's to Sun N Fun for static display. Reluctantly and after much gnashing of teeth our leadership agreed and as promised, 4 war weary grey fighters appeared over KLAL. After landing I noticed we were literally right across the grass from a Barnstormer giving rides in a giant bi-plane. The huge double winged airliner had what seemed a non stop schedule of takeoffs and landings, stopping only briefly to off load and re-board 4 more clients. I also noticed the Pilot had a sign and name tag nearby, Col Joe Kittinger. As a kid I had an enlarged magazine photo in my room of him exiting the Excelsior III, at 100,000+ feet. In my early 20's I had applied for a banner towing job at Rosey O' Grady's in Orlando when Joe was their Chief Pilot. He would encourage me to pursue the Military and be one of several defining influences in my young life.

Back at Sun N Fun our group would all tour the flight line that day, walking by Joe's grassy spot. He spied us from his New Standard and walked over to our band of brown suited merry men. He introduced himself in standard fighter pilot fashion, present meets past, warriors all.
After what seemed like hours slipping past Joe graciously bowed out as he had paying customers waiting and we left, albeit reluctantly. We would all comment for the remainder of the trip about "those who had gone before".
A GREAT American...


Joe the Barnstormer (aircraft now owned by long time RVer Mike C. of Nostalgic warbird rides)

Joe Kittinger exiting the balloon at 102,800' in 1960.
Despite holding the high altitude free fall record for nearly 50 years Joe was the biggest proponent of Felix Baumgartners breaking the record.

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Joe Kittinger, a Class Act!

He came to our little Memorial Day weekend fly-in at Pryor Field, Decatur, Al (KDCU) in '95 on his way to Oklahoma for a biplane fly-in. Somehow I was assigned from our EAA chapter to be his ground safety watch while he taxied out and in while selling rides in the New Standard. At the end of the day , he gave me a free ride, even though I tried to pay for it.

A year later he was at the Moontown Airport, and he spotted me from a distance, motioned for me to come over to his group, and remembered me from the previous year. I was amazed that he'd remember me.

Joe Kittinger is top notch in my book!
Those are great stories guys! I was listening to him yesterday and was getting inspired to become a great fighter pilot, test pilot, aviator, and engineer. When he finished, I came to my senses and realized that I am way too old for all the glory but I really felt the inspiration. The best I can do now is follow his lead and pass along some of the energy on this fantastic "hobby" of mine to the younger generation. The pictures and stories are wonderful! Glad to hear you guys feel the same I did. Awesome stories.
Col. Joe was the featured speaker at the EAA lifetime members dinner at OSH a couple years ago. Spoke at some length about his own record setting jump, as well as his role as tech advisor for Felix Baumgartner and the Red Bull team that set the new record. Very patriotic and awe inspiring; brought tears to my eyes. A great American hero indeed!

-4, wings

I think it's so cool that he helped Felix. I love the documentaries I've seen about both men's achievements. This is what "mentoring the spark" is all about, but for some, is easier said than done. Man, I need a copy of that poster!
It is. I thought he was a proud of his accomplishment as much as he was of helping the right team break his record. He really wanted Felix to succeed and it came across.