
I'm New Here
Hi, I'm an engineering student. I have a design project which involved coming up with the instrumentation panel for a propeller driver twin engine aircraft. I need to keep it as cheap as possible, while maintaining the features of Cessna 172.

I need help with picking the basic six instrumentation:
* airspeed indicator (knots)
* artificial horizon
* vertical speed indicator (rate of climb)
* altimeter
* directional gyro (compass)
* turn and bank indicator (aircraft attitude)

Can someone please suggest me a manufacture that I could pick from and show their prices. Or is there any specific models for the above mentioned instrumentation that's well known that I should use?

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
I don't think any of these instruments will be cheap enough. You're looking at thousands of dollars, unless you can pick up some older instrumentation. I know that flight sim cockpit builders use replicas that run off computers, and are much cheaper. You should be able to "search" for some listings.

A few years back, I was the tech counselor for a group of students at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee who were building a Nexus Mustang as a class project. They branched off into building a simulator from a wrecked Cessna 172 fuselage. They might be able to give you some guidance.

Here's some info on the group:

Organization: Aeronautics and Aerospace Organization
Classification: Professional
Campus Mail: Union Box 236
Campus Office: EMS E371
Contact: Mitchell Hinz, [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Purpose: The purpose of AAO is to raise a general awareness of aviation and aerospace among Wisconsin's public.
Activities: Our activities include building a flight simulator, hosting speakers, and various travel events.