
Well Known Member
Interesting awareness dawning today: the space taken up by RG-400 is quite a bit smaller than the space taken up by the BMC/TNC connector.

I'm trying to be forward looking as I build. Really, I am. However now that I'm laying in the coax between various boxes and their respective antennas, I noticing that if I want to allow removing the entire coax cable with it's connectors, I'm going to have to drill a LARGE hole!

Did you plan on allowing future removal of the coax connector if required, or is that connector sacrificial?
This might not help, but I ran the coax naked and put connectors on later, with enough of a service loop to do it again once or twice. Have not (knock on wood) had any coax issues in 7 years or had to move anything. Worst case I would cut off the ends and re-run coax without connectors again.

Clay -

I would also suggest running the coax "naked", and then installing the end connectors as appropriate (with suitable service loop - if needed) afterwards.

If you do the connector install - do a continuity check of the core wire and the shield wire, just to make sure you didn't "dribble" some solder some place you didn't mean to.

What Dave and HFS said, especially about leaving a service loop for connector installation/replacement and maintenance.

One side note about running cables through grommets in bulkheads or ribs...I didn't do that for the coax run between my ELT and its antenna. In the event of an accident, a buckled bulkhead or rib can cut the coax. Not sure where I saw that recommendation, maybe it was in the ELT install manual.



You have all reinforced my intention to lay the cable "naked" and add connectors once in place. Actually, I've been attaching the box end connector to the cable, fastening it in place, and then laying out and pulling the "naked end" towards the antenna only because the antenna often has more open terrain around it. The boxes (aft mounted Comm 2, ELT, ADSB and Xpndr) are right behind the aft baggage wall (RV8) and so there's not much room there to do connectors. Forward boxes are Comm 1 and two GPS receivers, but similarly situated close to bulkheads with the respective antennas more open.

Yes to checking continuity on every connector as I go. Thanks folks!