
Well Known Member
Picture says it all. AJ :( :(
Sell the airplane

Take up horse riding...Never seen so many women in place in my entire life...all under 400lbs, even in Oregon!
NO Horses for ME...

frankh said:
Take up horse riding...Never seen so many women in place in my entire life...all under 400lbs, even in Oregon!

I'd sell my home before the RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO horses in my court other than the Horsepower in my Lycoming that take me from point A to B FAST! :D
Horses the 4 legged type

frankh said:
Take up horse riding...Never seen so many women in place in my entire life...all under 400lbs, even in Oregon!

When I was young I dated a girl with horses. Being young and naive I asked her why so many women liked riding horses. Her answer, "horses have a rhythm no man can match."
That reminds me of an awesome woman...

Name won't be mentioned but you can find her at the LOE fly-in. She is not really a "co-pilot" since she flies an RV. And is now married. Sigh.

gmcjetpilot said:
My sister is available, how much is your planes gross weight? :D

OMG George, you've over done it now. I guess that's why you fly those big birds, 767's and such to haul big critters around. I'd have to put a 350 HP +Lyco in my -6 to get off the ground with your lovely sister. :D
You know

This thread has gone WAAAY downhill since Doug took his coworker for a ride!...:)

This should get the message across....

"Woman Wanted: Requirements: Cockpit - Fit"

And it would fit on the side of your plane. :)

I'm going to name my -9A "Callipygian". That will also be the criteria to get a ride. It will weed out a lot of undesirables...
Piddler said:
I'm going to name my -9A "Callipygian". That will also be the criteria to get a ride. It will weed out a lot of undesirables...

Thats great! Got any more prospective names? :D
I'd like to say that it was my great Scottish secondary education - but I have to admit that I Googled it! Now all we need are oblique RV references to James Joyce?